Thursday, May 22, 2008

Democrats and the Farm Bill: Lessons Unlearned, or Never Learned

This blog has correctly told you that the Federal Government is out of control--an unaccountable, bureaucratic behemoth so large and bloated as to make the leftist/Democratic/media push for a Federal "solution" to all of our problems a sick joke.

For you fools who still doubt me, consider House Democrats and the bloated Farm Bill that the President has vetoed (after failing to veto such bills earlier in his Presidency, when it might have done some good).   Showing again that there is NO consituency in Congress for limiting spending, despite lip service, this omnibuts Farm Bill monster was all set to be pushed into law by a QUICK vote by Congress overriding the President's veto.  But a funny thing happened.

The Deomocratically controlled House had LEFT OUT 34 pages of the Farm Bill, in the bill that was actually sent to the President.  This was the bill the President vetored, missing 34 pages.  This has complicated things for the Democrats, since overriding the veto now would seem to put into law a bill MISSING 34 PAGES.   To the media, this is just a minor "gaffe" embarrassing to Democrats, but otherwise unimportant.  I think it is something more than that.

Does ANYONE really know what is in these massive bills that pass Congress, and are sent to the President?  The evidence is a resounding "NO".  Nobody knows everything that is in these bills.  You get "earmarks" stuck in.  You get things stuck in the conference committee version of bills that were never in the version passed by EITHER the House or the Senate.  You have language in these bills so convoluted that no person on Earth can fully understand what it means.  It was a long standing JOKE about how EVERY tax bill had to be followed by a "technical corrections" bill correcting unintended consequences of the previous bill that Congress passed.

Yet, this central planning DISASTER is what we, the public, seem to demand MORE of as a "solution" to all of our problems.  That expectation of a different result from the same disastrous process remins one of the definitions of insanity.  However, how many Republicans do you see out there actually ATTACKING the whole idea of central planning by a monster bureaucracy that is out of control?  Darn few.

Leaving out 34 pages of a bill sent to the President to sign into law may not abosultely prove that this particular bill is bad (which it is).  However, it is a another strong indication taht FEDERAL legislation is NOT the "answer" to our problems.

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