Monday, November 3, 2008

Joe "One Man Truth Squad"--aka "the Mouth"--Biden and Barack "World" Obama: No Coal Plants in America

Yes, in Virginia, less than a month ago, a far left environmentalist asked Joe Biden a question: "Why is the Obmama campaigning supporting "clean coal", when you are so opposed to "global warmig?" (or words to that effect).

Joe Biden said: "We are not supporting coal. China needs "clean coal". they are building tow dirty cola plants a week. Let them have coal. We don't need it. No coal plants in America.

Now everyone sort of regarded this as a "typical" (this is the man who might be President!!--if you ever want to consider something scarier than sarah Palin being President). The Obama campaign was running campaign ads at the time, and probably still is, saying that Obama is strongly in favor of "clean coal", and promising that Obama will "save" all of the coal related jobs in this country (quite a few in "battleground" states). It turns out that it was Biden who was telling the truth, and Obama who is a liar (he is in numerous campaign ads--outright lies, and not matters of opinion).

It turns out that Obama had an hour long interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, in January. Yes, this was no "off the cuff" comment, but an "endorsement" interview with the editorial board of the leftist San Francisco Chronicle. Obama said then, about coal (paraphrasing only slightly): "Oh, a company could still build a coal plant (under an Obama Presidency), if it wants to go bankrupt. I have the most aggressive "cap and trade" ("global warming" stupidity that will ruin our economy, if implemented) plan of anybody. The tax on anyone building a coal plant would be prohibitive". (Editorial note: not to mention the cost of running one now in existence).

In short, Obama said in January what Biden said in September/October: "No coal plants in America."

Note that there is no way the above referenced quote is "out of context" (Obama's standard response when caught in an outright falsehood or stupidity or contradiction). Obama was specifically saying that a centerpiece of his campaign is to destroy the companies emitting too much "greenhouse gases". That includes coal (God only knows what happens to my brother's trucking company--the trucking industry already being affected by engine and emission regulations which just went into effect, with others going into effect in a year or so).

Not only was Obama's statement on coal in context, but Obama went further. He said that the switch away from things like coal would cause electricity to "skyrocket" in price--at least in the short run. In other words, Obama is definitely going to increase your taxes, however little you earn. The "cap and trade" idea is, in reality, a tax on almost everything you buy. Obama himself says that your utility bills will "skyrocket". Trnansportation is a major part of the cost of food, and this very same program is going to--if implemented--drive up the cost of transportation a lot. If you combine "cap and trade" with limits on drilling, we will further be lucky if gasoline stays under $10.00 a gallon.

This blog has accurately told you before a dirty little secret: Leftists like Obama, and the radical environmentalists to whom he caters (see interview), favor a rise in the price of gasoline (the only way to cut the emission of greenhouse gases significantly), and not a fall in the price of gasoline. How else can you interpret Obama's endorsement of "skyrocketing" electric rates? How is gasoline any different, if you are intellectually honest (like Joe Biden sometimes seems to be, to Obama's horror).

We need to be very clear here. "Clean coal" does not, as Biden says, help greenhouse gases. Burning coal emits greenhouse gases, no matter how much you reduce the ordinary pollutants. There is nothing you can do about that. Oh, you can try to convert the CO2 inevitably generated by the burning of coal into something else, at the cost of further greenhouse gas emissions (energy to reduce the CO2--another quick way to that bankruptcy Obama wants for coal). You can actually do the same thing with CO2 we exhale (CO2 in the atmosphere). You can' try to remove it from the atmosphere. It just is not worth doing. (Can you imagine "air scrubbing" plants around the country, like strange windmills--without the wind driven propeller? Unfortunately, I can imagine such a thing). My brother (the trucking guy) has suggested that we only exhale on alternate days, so as to reduce our emission of greenhouse gases (generated exactly the same way, which is by burning carbon--burning carbon, which is the basis of life on Earth.

IN short, Obma's recent ad on "clean coal" was a lie, and it is Biden telling the truth about the Obama program. Obama, of course, told the truth to the San Francisco Chronicle, but Obama does not regard himself as bound by previous words or actions.

Those of you with any knowledge may, of course, be screaming at me. Is not McCain is favor of "cap and trade", just like Obama. Yes, but McCain has never said he is in favor of bankrupting to the coal industry, or raising electric rates sky high. Does that mean Obama is just more honest (lol) than McCain? I don't think so. I don't think McCain thinks these things through until he has to--not being a true anti-capitalist like Obama. So I believe McCain is slightly better than Obama, as he is on most things. Will that translate to policy better than Obama's? I don't know. I have my doubts. Why do you think I am not either voting for or endorsing McCain for President? My stomach just will not take voting for the guy. This "cap and trade" assault on the American economy was one of the many issues on which McCain could have won this election. Instead, McCain opposes the correct, conservative view on almost every such domestic issue (including drilling in ANWR and illegal immigration--two other issues, with "drilling" being the ANWR isse, on which McCain is only slightly better than Obama).

I wish I could vote for McCain. I really do. My trucking company brother did, despite sharing my opinion of McCain. He regards Obama as the most dangerous man to ever run for President. So do I. Further, my brother fully understands, as do I, that the "Marxist trio" of Obama, Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi and Harry "Drity Oil" Reod (who stated the Obama policy that oil is "drity stuff" better left in the ground) are the most radically leftist prospective government ever to face the electorate of this country.

This new "revelation" on Obama, which the mainstream media predictably buried, merely indicates once again that the American people are truly (despite the deception) going to know what they are getting with Obama, Pelosi and Reid. I have no sympathy at all for anyone who votes for Obama, and later says he or she does not know what the risk was.

P.S. Rather than do a separate entry for my endorsement, I will give it here (since it is not really important, anyway). I am throwing my vote away by voting for Bob Barr (Libertarian candidate). Oh, I really would prefer Bob Barr to these two, but he will not come close to winning. I sympathize totally with those, like my brother, who just could not face complicity in turning the country over to Obama, Pelosi an Reid. It is the most scary thing I have ever seen in politics--just not scary enough to allow me to actually vote for McCain. I made the mistake of listening to McCain too many times (even though we are talking about counting on your fingers here) since he chose Palin (which caused me initially to decide to vote for McCain). Just can't vote for the man. My stomach is more important than the country (facetious here, as I am not sure McCain will be better for the country, even though he is at least slightly better on almost every isssue).

1 comment:

Slapinions said...

You're in Texas, where the McCain vote is safe, so I'll forgive your 'wasted' vote for Barr. Saw the email you sent out. Here's hoping you earn a wider audience in your new online digs.
