Saturday, March 7, 2009

Budget and Spending: Is It Actual Spending or Future Promises That Constitutes "Fiscal Responsibility"?

President Obama has proposed a ridiculous 3.6 trillion dollar budget for next year. Even assuming that is passed, and it is too high to start with and likely to go up rather than down, does that mean we will SPEND 3.6 trillion dollars next year.

Don't be silly. The budget has little to do with what we actually spend. Congress can "declare an emergency", and go outside the budget. Congress just passed that ridiculous, earmark filled, spending bill which represents the final spending bill for the present fiscal year (already under way, and over in October). Did the "budget" stop this bill?

The spending bills are not really limited by the budget, despite the "rules" purporting to suggest otherwise. If you doubt this (don't), consider all of these "stimulus" bills. Were they limited by this year's budget (lol)?

Q.E.D. There is only a faint relationship between the budget and what Congress actually authorizes in spending.

Fearless prediction: The Federal Government will SPEND more than 4 trillion dollars next year (whatever the budget says).

P.S. Since what the government SPENDS is all that really matters, it is ridiculous to talk about "fsical responsibility" IN THE FUTRE, while increasing spending massively in the present. Future spending cuts just never seem to happen.

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