Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Herman Cain and the CNN/AP/Mainstream Media Racists

Herman Cain, as usual (not being a politician) fumbled around a little bit in answering the MEDIA "firestrom" abuot UNIMPORTANT "allegations" from more than a decade ago. If you compare the ACCURACY of Herman Cain and the "journalists" out there trying to DISTORT a routine settlement for disgrunteed emlployees (remember, in my other life, I was a plaintiffs'attorney representing people in this kind of case, among many other kinds of cases), it is HERMAN CAIN who ws the more accurate yesterday. You take the outragous statements of Geraldo Rivera, which I saw, and they were divorced from reality.

So what is the new "narrative" from the RACISTS of the mainstream media? CNN and Haley Barbour already signalled it yesterday. The incident itself was UNIMPORTANT (a normal business event). The RACISTS out there attacking a black man on sex cannot get much out of it. What to do, what to do, if you are a BIASED RACIST. Easy. You allak about the "unanswered questins", and how Cain "mish;andled" the outragous initial firestorm. In other words, Cain went out thre and answered ALL questions, when that is not what a tradional politician would have done. Thus, I saw 30 seconds of CNN this morning, and the "conclusioin" was NOT that the actual alleged INCIDENT had anything to do with Cain becoming President, but taht there were "unanwered questions". That is the refuge of a SOUNCREL, LIAR and RACIST (par for the course for The Liar Network and The Racist Network). Nope. I do NOT have any "unaswered quesions", because I don't think it is up to Cain to "refute" everyu STUPID media attack out there like a standard politician. It is actually up to the media to PROVE (yes, the very standard they use for DEMORATIC politicians , including OBAMA) that Cain did anything whihcc shoiuld affect him becoming President. Not responding to UNFAIR allegations in a "smooth" way is NOT something relevant to whether Cain should be President. It is relevant, however, to the COPNTEMPT in which wyou hould hold CNN and the rest of the RAXCISTS of trhe media.

Asssociated Press headline this morning, featured by the racists of AT&T/Yahoo "News":

"Cain damagee control adds fuel to fire"

Did yu doubt me? You fool. You should realize by now that I am always right. Notice the PROPAGANDA of the headline. Nothing about the fACTS. Rathre, we are now talking aobut "damage control", and those same 'unanswered questions", and alleged "missteps" in repsonding to the hysterically inaccurate portrayal of the media of what allegedly happned more than a decade ago. These are PROPAGANDISTS and RACISRTS, deserving of nothing but contempt (referring to AP "journalists", and all of the rest of the "journalists" distorting this story). This story aslo confirms my oft-repeated assertion that the mainstream media in this country is the primary source of most NEGATIVE POLITICAL ADS in this country (the kind of ad that the HYPOCRITES in the media shake their heads sadly about when a POLITICIANN runs the ad). This whole 'story" on Herman Cain is one huge NEGATIVE AD, which has nothing to do with whether someone else besides Cain should be President of the United States.

Would I have "handled" this the same as Herman Cain has done? Oviously not. I would have ATTACKED the media from the beginning for making so much out of nothing, and I would have called this UNIMPORTANT. No, I would definitely not have opened myself up to so many OSTILE questioners. Look at how HYPOCRTITICAL the media are. They "criticize" conservatives for not oening themselves up to HOSTILE questioning, even though Democarats avoid the unfair and unbalanced network like the plague, but then they PICK at Cain's open and honest attempt to answer every question (even before he has much of a chance to think about it, or research the real facts that th;e media is distroting). CNN this morning, for example, gave Cain 'credit" for sitting down for 20 minutes with them, and then PICKED at this answers to questoins, giving that line about "unaswered questinos". WHNE will conservative politicians realize I am right? The ONLY way to handle this sort of thing is to AATTACK the media, and keep attakcing them. No, you don't have to be as shrill as I am in this blog, but you MUST do it. In fact, SOMEONE, on Cain's behalf (preferably not Cain himself), needs to be out there SAYING that these are RACISTS trying to use the old stereotype of black men being SEXUALLLY DANGEROUS. Am I calling CNN, and the rest of the media, that kind of RACIST. Damn right. Even if they don't believe that themselves (that black men are sexually dangerous and irresponsible) they are perfectly willing to play up to that kind of RACSM (making them WORSE than the people who actually believe it, somewhere deep down, but realie that it is ridiculous with their conscious mind).

Is it a "problem" taht Cain did not "handle' the "crisis" smoothly, or the way I would have handled it? I don't see how it could be, so long as CAIN does not let it drealil his campaign. It is CAIN who can move aghead, and simply now dismiss the media attacks. Cain has eracted the way CAIN has run is campaign. It is WHO he is. He has run a campaign where he answers all questions, and exposes himself to all kinds of hostile questions. He has said he is not a pollitician, and does not give "smooth" political responses. So CAIN probably had no choice but to respond the way he has--before he was really prepared. The problem Cain haws, as this blog has stated, is whether Cain can withstand the CHARACER ASSASSINATION of the evil racists of teh mainstream media with this approach. I don't think the last few days are a real lproblem for Cain, so long as he gets beyond them. If he still LETS every interview be about THIS, however, then Cain will have lost the elction right here. He HAS to PIVOT, and get out of trying to answer every "unanswered question". As Michael Crichton pointed out in 'Airframe", today's media is NOT INTERESTED in INFORMATION. Cain has to realize that, and realize that he CANNTOT (not because of what actuallly happened, but because the "questions" are infinite) "answer" all of the media questions on this. He has to FOUCS his cmapaign back on the issues, and dismiss this (correctly) as a media firestorm abut nothing.

If Cain cannot get beyond the QUESTINS (to Hell with the "answers"), Cain is going to be in trouble. And Cain cannot get beyond the questoins by letting every interview be a rrehash of those questions. Cain has to stop that, even if it is contrary to his "style" of openly answering every question. At some point (SOON), Cain has to say that he has answered the uestions, and has to move on--letting the voters decide whether this is important. Meanwhile, and this is where an actual organization would help Cain, although it would create its own problems, Cain needs SURROGATES out thre accusing the media RACISTS of being RACISTS. It has worked for Obama. I can work for Cain (even though Cain does not have the advantage of the mainstream media being an arm of hi scampaign, and therefore willing to go with whatever is surrogates say).

To repeat the endorement of this blog: I endorse Herman Cain to be the Repubican nominee, and to be President of the United States. This is a TEST for the American people. Do you WANT "politics as usual", where it is all about SMOOTH "damage control". Or do you want a rEAL person to be Preisdent, wo is not an ordinary, dishonest politican? A part of the test is whether you, the American people, are gong to lcontinue to let MEDIA NEGATIVE ADS control your minds, as if you are living in George Orwell's "1984" (with our media in the role of the propaganda "ministry"). It is your choice. I long ago made my choice, and I do not let the dishonest racists of teh mainstream media mess wtih my head. I see reality. Reality is that it would be GOOD fo this country to have a President NOT form the "political class". It would be GOOD for Heran Cain to be President of the United States. Frankly, that is true even if Cain shows that he is not YET totally up to the job. It is FALSE to think that you can tell if an ORDINARY POLITICAN is "up to the job". Barack Obama was not, and is not. Cain jsut puts his "flaws" right out thre for you to see. If you can't handle that, then you dESERVE to get the ordinary, dishoenst politician, practicing "politics as usual", until the end of time.

Do "juornalists' care that I hold them in as much contmpt as I do? I have asked that question before. They would probably tell you that they don't care.. They should, because I am not alone.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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