Monday, November 21, 2011

Religion and CNN (The Anti-Christian Network): Religioius Bigots and Hypocrites (The Gospel According to Barack Obama)

Remember my article (baout a week ago) abut CNN's John King: essentially calling him one of the worst hypocrites and liars in the history of tlelevision, on the most dishonest network in the hisotry of televions? Remember that what Jon King had done ws this RANT on how HORRIBLE (evil) it is to make "faith" an "issue" in this politicial campaign (at least if the "faith" is that of Brack Obama, non-Christian)--complete with clips of almost every time that Barack Obama has talked about his fairth and Jusus Christ? Yu may have thought I exaggerated. Think again. I UNDERSTATED just how hyupocritical CNN is. Doubt me? Never do thatt!!!

What was CNN talking about this morning? Right. The evil hypoocrites, as usual, were talking abut RELIGION: specificaly the religioin of GOP candidates, and the DETAILS of that religion (for all of the world like CNN,The Anti-Christian Network, believes tahtt eh RELITOIN of GOPcanddiates is a BIG "issue" in the caampaign). Have they told John King, historic liear and hypocrites? Well, they did not need to tell him. As a CNN hypocrite, he already knnew the CNN party line.

What triggered this particular CNN attack on the Christianity of CNN? I could never make this up, and this is why I say I have UNDERSTATED the anti-Christian hypocrisy of CNN. Look at the headline. Did you think that last parenthesis was merely Maverickk Conservative hyperbole Guess again. Oh, the headline LIES, but only for effect (withut fundamentally misrepresenting the evil of CNN). What CN featred this morning was a CNN reporter who wrote an "article' on whith this title (really, I could not make this up): "The Gospel According to Herman Cain.." What would CNN/Joh Kng call a person on the unfair and unbalanced network had talked abut "The Gospel According to Barack Obama" (as the utter COWARDS on that network really shoulkd do, if only to pinot out the EVIL of CNN)? Right. I anyone--say Rush Limbuagh--used the phrase: "The Gospel According to Barack Obama," they would be called RACIST by CNN. As you know, I do not turn the other cheek. So I wil say it. CNN is compsoed of RACISTS and RELIGIOUS BIOGTS. In fact, it is ACCEPTABLE for thew whle left to be RACIST with regard to Hreman Cain--leftists being the primary racests in our society today. One of the reasons I suggest you BOYCOTT the unfair and unablanced network, by the way, is that they not only pretty much fail to "scrutinizae' teh "religion" (lol) of Barack Obama, but they pick up on these attacks on GOP (Grand Outdated Party) members.

You think CNN was through with their anti-Chrisitan bigotry with their RACIST, patronizing (plantation ementality--"gospel" indeed!!!!!) disparagement of Herman Cain? Not a chance. These are partisan, lying BIGOTS. Thus, the discussiion soon went to ridiculing the religiious references of several of teh GOP candidates. For example, it ws noted--again in a tone of ridiclue--that several of the candidates have said they felt a "call" from God to run for President. The CNN implicatioin (I heard this, remember, and I can asure you I am not exaggerating) was theat these candidates hav said they "God told them to rn", and maybe promised them they would win. That, of course, is NOT the way the Christian religion works (to my understanding, as an agnostic who merely knows more aobut the religion than the anti-Christian bigots of CNN). What the Christian religion is all about, if you really believe in it, is receiving GUIDANCE form God. Nope. We are NOT referring here to God "talking to you, like a person talks to you. We are talking aoubt the SPIRIT of God guiding you in your life. If you do not belive in that, then you are NOT a Christian. You may, of course, be an anti-Chrisitan bigot, like the people of CNN (who, like Barack Obama, are NOT Chrisitains, no matter that they may call themselves). All GOP candiates have done is say that they sought guidance from God, in the way that Christians seek such guidance. Now you might not BELIEVE them, or that they really looked for spiritual guidance from God to do what they wanted to do, but then you can't possibly BELIOEVE that Barack Obama is a Chistian, can you? Billl Maher (CNN's favorite atheist) and I (CNN's least favorite agnostic) both do not belivve that Obama is a Chrisitan. But even Bill Maher, and certainly not me, would ot be as :HYPOCRITICAL and DISHONEST about religion andpolitics as the anti-Christian, partisan bigots of CNN.

Q.E.D. CNN is the most dishonest, hypocritical network in the history of TV "news". Thre is just no doubt about it. Oh, and CNN is composed of anti-Christian bigots (at least if you are talking aoubt Christians who actually believe in their religion).

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