Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Death Penalty: Leftists Do NOT Believe in Democracy

"The longest pause in executions in the U.S. in 25 years is about to end. A splintered Supreme Court cleared the way Wednesday, approving the most widely used method of lethal injection."

Leftists don't believe in democracy.  I have said that for a long time (see archives of this blog), and leftists prove it every day.

Nothing illustrates this more than the at least sixty year assault on the death peanlty in America, IN THE COURTS, in the face of rather consistent 66% support of the death penalty by the public (demonstrated, by the way, NOT only in questionable polls but in the constant NEW death penalty laws after death penalty opponents got the courts to require NEW laws that met ever changing and ever more ridiculoous "requirements" to pass Constitutional muster).

This has been a WAR OF ATTRITION against democarcy.  The death penalty opponent idea is, even if they can't get the death penalty declared uncosntitutional, that sheer persistence will carry the day.  These constant "halts", and moratoriums, are part of this war of attrition against democracy.

Then there is the absolutely despicable, intellectually dishonest, Associated Press.  "Splintered" indeed!!!!!  The despicable AP does not use that word (here, on a 7 to 2 voe) to describe even 5-4 decisions it LIKES.  I can't atell you how much contempt I have for the Assoiciated Press, and they, too, prove me right every single day.


Anonymous said...

Ran across the Blog accidentally.  Liked the entries I read.  I was a fan of Jerry Clower (?), when addressing the problem of the Texan's killing rattlesnakes for their Round-up.  They were challenged on how they were killing them, he said, "How can you kill a rattlesnake wrong!"
I wonder sometimes if the public executions would make a stronger statement to somefolk and be a real deterrant,  other than just hearning that it happened.  I know this will never happen, I just wonder..........  Jack

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the comment, and I do think the 7 to 2 vote indicates that even the libeals on the Supreme Court could not really buy the ridiculous idea that the Constitution guarantees a PAINLESS execution.  However, note that the anti-democracy, anti-death penalty forces accomplished their main goal.  It is NOT about "winning" every battle for them  It is about creating "halt" and "moratorium" after "halt" and "moratorium" until the rest of us give up (or all death row prisoners die of old age--whichever comes first).

My problem with "public executions":  In old England they became sort of a circus attraction--like a carnival (something like cable TV is turning too many crimes into--see "Ace in the Hole" with Kirk Douglas, pointing out the trend toward carnival "news" coverage long ago).    QUICK and certain executions, like within 2 or 3 years, would be a better deterrent, in my view.  Executiion is, of course, an absolutelly, 100% deterrent as to THAT PERSON killing anyone else.   I like the "rattlesnake" reference, although rattlesnakes are, of course, not actually evil (merely filling a niche in nature).  These people on death row generally are evil to the core.

Anonymous said...

On somewhat of a tangent (and I have had this conversation with people a few times), I really would prefer death by firing squad to lethal injection, electric chair, and hanging.  More states should let you pick that one.   Actually, the guillotene may in fact have been the most painless and merciful form of execution.  So immediate, so final, no horribe anticipation (or at least not a lot).  The very idea of the process of going in for lethal injection makes me feel squeamish.  This is not a political argument, just an observation.