Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hillary Clinton and Mark Penn

The "chief strategist" (Mark Penn) for the Clinton campaign has resigned--supposedly over meetings with Columbian authorities about the proposed Columbian/U.S. trade deal which Hillary Clinton has OPPOSED.  Who knows, of course, as to whether this is just the final excuse to get rid of him (or for him to leave).

What's funny/ironic here is that Hillary Clinton is probably WRONG to oppose the Columbian trade deal.   Columbia seems to be making a major effort to control the drug trade, and become a democratic ally of the U.S. in the region.  This has not stopped Democratic politicians from opposing the Columbian deal--a good one for the United States--as a means of pandering to the anti-NAFTA people, the AFL-CIO, and leftists.

In contrast, MEXICO is falling apart--especially along the border (I live in El Paso).  There is a drug cartel WAR along the Mexican border--especially in Juarez, right across the Rio Grande from where I live.   There have been more than 200 MURDERS in Jurarez since the beginning of the year.  Yet, Clinton is NOT strongly for controlling our Mexican border--making her basically 0 for 2 here (along with most other Democratic politicians, including Barack Obama).

See recent entries in this blog under the heading of:  "Mexico, a Failed Country."

P.S.  Barack Obama is probably WORSE than Hillary Clinton on both the Columbia and illegal immigration issues.   He is certainly more leftist, but he is still getting away with nothing but "inspiring" speeches.  That is why I regard Barack Obama as so much more dangerous than Hillary Clinton.  We know, although the media is helping conceal it, that Barack Obama is about as far left as you can get (one explanation as to why he stayed in Reverend Wright's church so long).  But we DON'T KNOW, or really have any idea, of what kind of President Barack Obama will make.   That African-American supporter of Hillary Clinton was RIGHT when he said that Barack Obama may be elected President of the United States with 99.1% of the people not knowing, or even having any chance to know, where he stands or what he will do as President.  That scares me to death.  I just wish it was someone other than John McCain running against him (although I recognize that MAYBE McCain was the only Republican candidate this year with a real chance of beating Obama--explaining, more than anything else, why McCain is the Republican nominee). 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

obama was one of the leaders of farrakhan's million man march.

an hamas-linked group may have been raising money for obama.