Monday, April 28, 2008

Jeremiah Wright: Racist

Jeremiah Wright is a racist.  Even in a speech deliberately designed to conceal that, it comes through loud and clear.

African-Americans have rhythm and are wired in their brains to think "creatively, and intuitively, rather than logically".  That is what Reverend Wright essentially said.  If a white person had said it, he would (somewhat accurately) be labeled a racist.  in fact, Larry Summers DID say something like that with regard to females--albeit with more excuse and in a much milder from, suggesting that the scienfific fact that women's brains ARE different (not really established for "Africans") MIGHT explain why there are fewer women mathematiicians.  Summers was, of course, crucified for saying what he did.  Leftists, meanwhile, are appauding Jeremiah Wright (exposing themselves as the racists they are).

200 years or so after the last Africans were imported as slaves, Wright (black nationalist that he is) continues to DEFINE African-Americans by their African heritage, and say that makes them DIFFERENT from "Eurpopeans".  Is that not a racist point of view?  Do not African-Americans have the same variations that other members of the species, homo sapiens, have?  Silly me.  I thought that was the non-racist view!

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