Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Flubs the Oath

"Obama Flubs the Oath" is the top Drudge headline right now. You gotta love Drudge. Is this an omen? Yeah. I know it is not important, although it is the kind of thing that the media trashed President Bush for all of the time. And I don't believe in omens. But you have to admit it is funny: they guy who made his reputation by teleprompter "articulateness" flubbing the oath. Who would have thunk it.


Unknown said...

Sorry ot wasn't obama who made the flub...

Skip said...

I did notice that Drudge changed the headline afterward to basically call it a JOINT flub between Obama and the Chief Justice. I was not interested enough to watch it myself, and therefore cannot comment. I just found the Drudge headline amusing, and still do.