Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Roland Burris, Harry Reid, and Barack "World" Obama: Blago Victory (for Evil)

Roland Burris is going to be sworn in as the next U.S. Senator from Illinois--replacing Obama. Is this a defeat for Harry Reid, Obama himself, and the rest of the Democratic Party? Of course it is. It is also a victory for Illionis Governor Blago. Harry Reid said that Blago's choice would never be seated--even though Reid merely labeled himself as the total idiot he is by saying something like that, implying that Reid had an authority he does not have. Now Burris is tainted. I say this despite Rush Limbaugh's gloating ridicule of Harrry Reid for saying this. Burris is tainted for the same reason that Obama was really tainted by Reverend Wright. It is not that Blago endorsed/appoijnted Burris that taints Burris. It is that by accepting the appointment, Burris inevitably supported/validated Blago. That taints Burris forever more, as Obama's support of racist hate monger Wright taints Obama forever more--President-elect or not. If you place yourself on the side of evil, you cannot avoid the taint, whether you, yourself are involved in the evil or not. Burris, of course, leaves himself open to the question of what he promised Blago, even if he promised him nothing.Was this racial politics? Of course it was. It was racial politics on the part of Blago. It does not matter whether Burris intended to play racial politics. By accepting the appointment, he endorsed Blago's playing of racial politics to gain Blago points.

Yes, I understnad why Limbaugh, Hannity, and the rest were willing to pile on Harry Reid as a racist. They were ecstatic to see Democrats hoist by their own petard (the charge of racism). Plus, I think conservatives really do believe in a rule of law, while leftists believe in a rule of men (hang the law if it does not advance your agenda--look at immigration). Nevertheless, I think Limbaugh, and other conservatives, went overboard in suggesting there was nothing wrong in Burris accpeting Blago's appointment. There was everything wrong with it. It was an endorsement of evil. There was just no legal way to deny Burris the seat once he made the (moral) mistake of accepting the appointment. He was legally entitled to be seated.

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