Friday, April 24, 2009

Washington: First in war, frist in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen--but last in the American League

The above is the od "joke" about the old Washington Seantors। It is too bad, by the way, that ALL of the real Senators are not playing baseballl, or anything else, instead of ruining the country in the United States Senate (lack of reference to party affiliation here is deliberate)।

Well, the "Washington Senators" no longer exist, excekpt in their most damagin form as part of our government, but it is nice to see that this country is not abandoning all of the traditions that made us great (just most of them).

Yep. Washignton is still last. It is just now in the national League. Too bad Washignton (the seat of government) is not last in the hearts of the people who vote in this country, as it steadily dominates the lives of very one of us (to our ultimate sorrow).

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