Sunday, April 19, 2009

President Obama: Twonky

Is President Obama a robot from the future with a mission of controlling every detail of the lives of every person in this country, and ultimately the world? Of course he is.

The title reference is to the short story by Henry Kuttner (a great writer of the Golden Age of science fiction, often in collaboration with his similarly talented wife, Leigh Brackett). That short story was made into a movie ("The Twonky"), with Hans Conried (movie rating 79, and it would be higher except for being mainly an "idea" movie with limited real characterization).

In the movie, a wife gives her husband a TV set to keep him company as she goes off to help here sister. The TV turns out to be a robot from the future, which merely took the form of a TV set. The robot (labeled a "twonky" for reasons explained in the movie) refuses to allow the human beings (especially poor Hans) with whom it comes into contact any freedom of thought or action (such as getting drunk, cigarettes, more than one cup of coffee, etc.). Zap!!! That is what happens if the twonky does not like what you are doing. The comparison with President Obama is obvious, and too much for coincidence. Yes, leftists in general are out to take away everyone freedom (fat in foods, cigarettes anywhere--although they are not so tough on cocaine and marijuana--etc.). However, this just explains why the twonky can find fertile ground in present day America. Hans Knonreid, in the movie, gives some stirring speaches on the value of human freedom--even the freedom to make your own mistakes. Too bad, in the Age of Obama, that we no longer have the will to resist the twonky.

If you want the clincher, refer to Isaac Asimov's story about a (secret) robot "saving" America and the world in "The Bicentennial Man". Isaac Asimov, despite being another talented science fiction author from the Golden Age, was an authoritarian leftist. His robot may even have been black, although I don't pay enough attention to that detail (not having the obsession with race of racist leftists) to remember.

The twonky in "The Twonky" was only an experimental model. President Obama is clearly the advanced, perfected model not relying on individual "zapping" (although evidently fullly capable of the kind of mind control that the twonky could exercise).

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