Monday, August 22, 2011

CNN, Fareed Zakaria and Time: Anti-American, or Just Unbelievers in the American System

Again, I want youi to objectively consider a comparison here. Is it worse to "promise" that a Bachmann administration would see $2 a gallon gasoline, ore worse to say that theUnited States of America should have a European-style pariliamentary system?

Before you answer that, I want you to consider WHY Michele Bachmann has been ridiculed for what was a perfectly reasonable statement (the one about $2 a gallon gasoline). The idea seems to be that it is laughable that gasoline will ever be that low again--a self-fulfilling attitude that is much more rodoci;pis amd harmful than any possible criticism of what Bachmann said. Now CNN did say that it was BAD POLICY to have $2 a galon gasoline, which also happens to be the real policy of the Obama Administration (although never stated that way). However, no one is going to take that position to the American people, or to Bachmann's face. Let's discared that, and we are left with the assertion that Bachmann wants to discuss something that will never take place. CNN--as much or more than any other network--has ridiculed Bachmann on this ground: that Bachmann is talking about something that just can never happen (even though it happened not so long ago). Thus, an we conclude that CNN would NEVER seriously talk about a policy choice that could never happen--and has not happened in the entire history of the United States of America? Not so, doggy breath (May a charging rhinoceros strike you where the sun does not shine--my best Karnak/Johnny Carson impression).

Fareed Zakaria has a show on CNN. More importrantly, he appears all over CNN as an "expert" CNN analyst, and is an editor at large (whatever that is) for Time (which CNN calls a "sister" outfit).

Zakaria had a long, serious conversatoion with a nodding, approving CNN anchor about what is wrong with America. You know. The United States of American: the longest functioning true repesentative democracy in the world, with a government system and economic system sufficient to enable it to become the greatest nation in the world. Well, not according to Zakaria and CNN. I heard this, and id not believe it. Zakaria said, without any challenge, that the USA can no longer "afford" our quaint (my word, not his), flawed system where no one can get anything done (namely the things that CNN and Zakaria believe should be done, and want to FORCE us to do, if only those pesky Tea Party crazies were not in the way). Instead, Zakaria said, we need the Eurpoean parliamentary system that GETS THINGS DDONE--because you don't have all of this foolishness about "checks and balances", a bicameral legislature, and divided government that appears in the United States system. The "crises" now are just too great. We can't afford all of this "debate" and delaly inherent in our system. A "leader" needs to be able to get things DONE right now. Yes, the implicit idea of these partisan hacks at CNN is this: "if only Obama had a parliamentary system, he oculd do what he wants to do--what we want him to do--without all of these obstacles in the way. Now there is the inconvenient truth (thank you, Al Gore) that Europe is in WORSE TROUBLE than we are right now, and is threatening to brin our economy down with it. But CNN has never been distracted by facts before, and I don't see any reason for them to start now.

But you see the main problem here, don't you? What purpose does it serve to discuss something which CANNOT HAPPEN (short of the complete collapse of the United States)? These truly are the worst, most dishonest hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four. They ridiculue Bachmann because she talked aobut someting that they consider almost impossible, as if it were perfectly reasonable. And then CNN is willing to seriously discuss switching the USA to a parliamentary system, because our system is not working anymore (something that CNN knows is IMPOSSIBLE). What can we conclude from this? Do not we have to conclude that Fareed Zakaria is ANTI-AMERICAN, along with CNN and Time? I thnk we do. If the USA is bringing the world down with a fundamental falw in our system that we KNOW is not gong to be fixed, which is causing us not to be able to make the decisions that need to be made, are we not a DANGER to the world? This has to be an anti-Amerian position. It makes no sense otherwise. It is jsut a way of sayig our system--which made us the greatest country in the world--is NO GOOD. (at least not anymore).

Forget how stkupid this is. Just when has the parliamentary system of Europe shown itself to be the savior of the world? World War I? World War II? The Cold War with the Soviet Union? The Great Depresson? The stopping of the rise of Hitler? The fiscal discipline that has led to Greece, Ireland, Span, Portugal and Italy (along with who knws what other basket cases)? Zakaria is an IDIOT with an agenda. But even if you do not agree with me on that, and that CNN is ENDORSING his views (which they are), how does it make any sense to "advocate" something that is flatly impossible?

Not impossible, you say? Hogwash. What would be required for the United States to "convert" to a parliamentary system? It would require a Constitutional Convention to REWIRTE our entire Constitution. Now some conservatives have called for this because of the way the Surpeme Court--mainly leftist justices exercising judicial fiat--has already rewritten our Constituion to say and mean things that were never there. Leftists have always ridiculued this idea as not reasonable. Whether reasonable or not, it is not going to happen. And it had, and has, a better chance than a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of setting up a parliamentary system. No voting for President. No Senate. Just one legislature which elects the head of government. No power for individual states. In fact, do "states" who have power and rights of their own have any pklace in a parliamentary system? Doubtful, although you have Scotland and Wales in the United Kingdom (with what separate powers I don't even know). You do have to have local administration, but you don't seem to see the kind of powerful governors in a lparliamentary system that you see in the USA. Doesn't matter. The point is that this complete "redo" of the American system will not happen--is much more ridiculous than the idea of $2 gasoline. Anyone who talks like it could happen (Zakaria and the others at CNN and Time) are idiots--or else have an anti-American agenda where the whole idea is simply to trash America. I vote for both: They are BOTH idiots and anti-Aerican. No, it is just noe good enough to say this was just a philosophical "discussion". For what purpse? This was not a class int he theory of government. This was ADVOCACY of something that is impossible.--on the basis that our entire system of government needs to be changed.

Is there any way that someting like this could happen? As stated, there is only one way: the complete coallpse f the United States of American. That would create what the peoplein physics (my college major) call a "singularity"--the situation where all laws of physics break down (as in a black hoe). In the complete collapse of the United States, anything could happen. No "laws" of governnment or politics will apply. We could end up with Napoleon. We could end up with Hitler. We coud end up with chaos, sort of like the thousand year "long night" that followed the fall of the Roman empire. Now it is true that it was not only darkness in those thousand years. The stage ws set for the Renaissance, the industrial revoluton, the rise of science, the rise of free market economies, the British empire, and for the........United States of America: the most successful democratic repuublic the world has ever known. But Zakaria and CNN want us to tun into something else. We know what the hypocrites of the rest of the mainstream media would have said had Michele Bachmann proposed something this insane. How about someone pointing out the insanity here? It is like when Time magazine ENDORESDE the philosophy of the Unabomber in a Time essay (the last time I opened a Time magazine). Waht the article really was, of course, was an ANTI-AMERICAN attack on the 'materialism" of the USA that wsa turning us into a bad country.

By the way, this is not a "new" problem. The original Roman Republic--destroyed by class warfare--had a method for coping when an "emergency" required strong action. They appointed a "dictator" (presumably where the word comes from, although I have not bothered to check) to act--for a limited period of time, but with very extensive powers to override the Roman Seante and act with what amounted to unlimited power. You can see the flaw here, which is why our system was set up with the checks and balances that it has. When class warfare was tearing apart the Roman Republic, Julius Caesarr was apponted dictator. But, when he crossed the Rubicon, Caesar signalled his intention to no longer abide by the "rules" fot he Repubic; in effect, his intention to become an EMPEROR. Thus, the Roman empire was born. You get the feeling that Fareed Zakaria would be happy to have Barack Obama cross the Rubicon, and become emperor (so long as he listented to "enlightened" people like Zakaria and the people at CNNM--who all basciallly think alike).

Do you see now why I have officially named CNN the "Evil, Anti-American Network"? You should. CNN does not believe in our system of government, or our country (in the form our country was established, based on the principles of our Founders).

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight)--which gets bad in an article like this when I am gettig tired, but readers of this blog just have to live with it. Hey, that ay be a CLUE as to why there are not that many readers of this blog.!!! But hey, it is a labor of love (or more accurately, of a lperson without a life). Good thing I am not stark, ravig mad, like Zakaria and the other people of CNN and the mainstream media.

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