Sunday, August 14, 2011

CNN: The Gay Network (Guest Villains: Meet the Press, David Gregoy, and Comcast; Guest Hero--Away from Politics: Andrew Vachss)

This blog has shown you that CNN is obsessed with all things homosexual, and what might be called twisted ssexuality. Dubt me? Never do that. You should have learned by now.

Egue to Cuba. Did you know that Cuba bans homosexual marriage? I think the international left, including those in the United States (like Barack Obama should BOYCOTT CUBA (not to mentiona every Muslim country). I diress (not really).

What does Cuba have to do with anything? That is what I thought when I heard CNN talk about Cban policy on homosexual marriage.. Who cares--unless the left really is going to boycott Cuba (after, of course, opposing the American boycottr based on Cuba beintg a totalitarian enemy of the Unieted States). (By the way, I apologize for using CNN as the source of my information on Cuban law, since the source is not reliable, but this article is more about CNN than Cuba.)

Well, for CNN, this story was the BIG story of the day--probably bigger than the withdrawal of Tim Pawlenty from the Presidential race. No, I am not talking about the assertion that Cuba is against homosexual marriage, like all of humnaity until the 21st Century. That merely shows Cuba is SANE, and you don't know CNN if you believe CNN is ging to highlight the COMMMUNIST view of homosexual marriage, or the ISLAMIC view--assuming these views are negative. No, the LANDMARK story for CNN........I kid you not. CNN called this a LANDMARK story. I should just stop with the many deserved nicknames, and call CNN The Insane Network (which would include, as a corollary, all of the other nnicknames, such as The Liar Network, The Hypocrite Network, and The Gay Network). This landmark story, being PROMOTED (I did not bother to stick around for the actual story) was that a "couple" was "challenging" the Cuban policy--sort of--by a homsexual man marryng a transexual woman. No, I am not sure I got this right. How could I be. I am not INSANE. CNN regarded this as one of the main, featured stories of the day.

Are not you glad that CNN and President Obama (who surely made a statement about this), are so concentrated on the REALL problems fo this country? And it is not just CNN. NBC--well, ou already knew NBC was CRAZY--had a Meet the Press interviw with Michele Bachmann. What do youo thin was one of the main questions, even after Bachmmann protested that this is not what the American people want to here about right now? (The answer to Bachmann, by the way, was essentially: "we don't care what the Aermican people think is important; this is what WE tand OBAMA think is important.) No, NBC was NOT interested in hearing Bachmann's position on "homosexual issues' in which she might acually be involved as President. Everyone knows her positon on those issues, and you are deluded if you beieve that ANY of these people (media people) is interested in actual INFORMATION. What the NBC moderator (boycott Comcast, for both NBC and MSNBC) supposedly wanted to know was whether Bachmann considered a gay couple wo adopt two children as a "family".

You may not understand that last NBC question (for good reason, since it is a NONSENSE questioin for a Presidentitial candidate). I do understand the AGENDA behind the question, however, and so I will let you knnow As stated, this is all about AGENDA, and not about information (see Michael Crichton's "Airframe" once again). Yes, these people really are INSANE. Part of the RELIGIIONI of the left is that it is WRONG to prefer a "traditional family" of one man and one woman--married TO EACH OTHER--as the "best" family. Are not other kinds of families jsut as much a "family"? Why is a polygamous "family" not really a family? Oops!!! I forgot. David Gregory is NOT going to ask THAT question. He is DISHONEST, and interested only in a particular anti-Bachmann agenda. Okay Moving ont. "Ms. Bachmann, do you consider a COUMMNE a family? How about a grouop marriage?" ......PIERCING WHISTLE--Penalty flag on the fied. Maverick conservative guy, you are not playing this game by the Meet the Press rules. Stop making a mochery out of this. Andrew Vachss does a better job of this than David Gregory ever could, by the way, in his noevels, but I don't buy his line of bulll either (although I do buy the novels of child abuse--what I lie to reference as "barbed wire across the soul"). Ack to the questonis. "Ms. Bachmann, do oou consider a midget and a giant who have adopted twon children as a family". .............PIERCING WHISTLES everywhere. Men in black at my door. Sorry. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am unable to proceed with my sample questins that David Gregory, asked--or, maybe, did not ask.

I am being forced to apologize herre--you will know what happened if this blog nwo disappears--for my sarcasm about the attmempt by David Gregory to make Michele Bachmann's definition of "family" one of the burning issues of our time. David Gregory's real "defense" of this unconscionalbe line of questioning was the CHIRS WALLACE "defense" that is it all part of Michele Bachmann's "record" that defines her. I just cannot stand it. These are EVIL PEOPLE (media people) SPREADING EVIL. Their "defenses" are WORSE than their indefensible questions themselves.

Still, as yo worry about your job, the conomy, and the possible shocks in the financial markets next week, I KNOW you are comforted that our media is on the jog: making sure that you kow about LANDMARK new types of "marriage", and "landmark" new definitions of "family".

Isn't progress great? Boy are we advancing!!!!!! None of this outdated "traditonal" stuff for us!!!! We are now in the Brave New World of Facebook, the internet, and Barack Obama.

I now. These relapses of my sarcasm disease are getting worse. But yo have to admit I was PROVOKED. I apologie to vegetables. I said earlier today that mainstream media people think like vegetables. Not even close. Vegetables win, hands down.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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