Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Do they (Obama Administration and government bureaucrats) really think we are that stupid?" That was John Stewart's (Comedy Central) reaction to the MMS CHANGE OF NAME (to a propaganda name similar in tone and motivation to "The People's Republic of China", and any number of other leftist attempts to lie with with meaningless, high sounding words).

You remember the MMS. That is the Federal agency whose bureaucrats were more interested in porn--according to Stewart--than in regulating offshore oil rigs--the organization in charge of regulating that BP well/oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. Although Stewart did not say so, this is "the magic wand theory of government": the idea that all you have to do is wave a magic wand--like merely changing the name--and government can "solve" any problem, in or out of government. Jon Stewart accurately asks: "How stupid do they think we are?"

Well, I will tell you how stupid I think Jon Stewart, and similar leftists, are (although Stewart shows sporadic signs of intelligence). An individual leftist, like Stewart, may choke on a specific government idiocy, but it never seems to cause them to question the overall magic wand theory of government. Regulation fails, because government bureaucrats are shown to be merely human beings without the God-like ability to magically "solve" all of our problems? Human beings LESS SMART than most of us? Doesn't matter. The reaction of leftists is MORE GOVERNMENT, more government regulation, and more government power and control over our lives.

So Joh Stewart asks: "How stupid do they think we are?" I will tell Jon Steart how stupid I think leftists are: pretty darn stupid, which is why leftist politicians think they can get away with anything. How stupid is it to keep advocating the magic wand theory of government--that government can wave a bureaucratic magic wand and "solve" all problems--when both theory and experience have shown us this is not true? It is hard to get any more stupid than that. All powerful central planning has NEVER worked, and theory tells you it cannot work (because not person, or small group of persons, has enough knowledge or God-like ability to make that kind of power work).

However, leftists keep trying. That is how stupid they think we are. Take the new "financial reform" bill. It is a 20000 page (they are ALL 2000 pages or more these days) monstrosity that basically turns our entire financial sector over to the Federal bureaucracy (as the health care bill does with our health care system). This is the magic wand theory in action. The mere creation of a massive new Federal bureaucracy and power supposedly "solves" the problems with our financial sector (as distinguished from punishing failure by letting it happen). Hogwash. There is NO indication any of these bureaucrats will be any better than those of the MMS. You will note that Geitner and the rest--including the people on Wall Street who think they are now PARTNERS with the government--utterly FAILED to see the financial crisis coming. Now--as always with leftists--they want to be rewarded for that failure with more power. That is power to fail more disastrously next time, because the failure is ever more centralized. (The converts to economic fascism on Wall Street, and CNBC--relying on that "partnership" between themselves and Big Government that is the definition of economic fascism--fully expect to CONTROL the way that the Federal bureaucrats eventually exercise the virtually unlimited power the bill gives them.)

Nope. Joh Stewart, you ARE stupid. And most leftists are more stupid than you are. Leftist politicians---inclulding establishment Republicans--count on that stupidity.

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