Sunday, July 5, 2009

President Obama: "Transparent" Manipulation, and the Hypocrisy of "Transparency"

This is still another example of leftist hypocrisy that raised its ugly head last week, although this one is not new. What is new is that HELEN THOMAS, of all people, jumped on the Obama Administration about it.

You know that Obama "town hall meetings" are generally a FRAUD, right. You should. It was exposed during the campaign that both questions and people are PLANTED, and that Obama likely knows exactly who to call upon. Then there was the recent White House press conference, where the Obama Adminstration INVITED a blogger from the Huffinton Post (not a usual part of the Wasington "press corp") to come and ask a (predictable) question on a certain subject. Last week, it all became even more obvious, which is what caused Helen Thomas to get upset.

Yes, Obama held another one of those fraudulent "town hall meetings", but this time hardly concealed that the people invited, and the people who were going to be called on for questions, were carefully SCREENED. It was really obvious that Obama had a LIST of people to call upon, and knew what questions were going to be asked (at least generally). Helen Thomas was outraged that the media would be USED in this manner. I have some sypathy with Obama here (see previous story). He thought the media were established as his PARTNERS (with the Obama Administratiion as the SENIOR partner).. He thought he had a right to expect that the media (other than those hopeless people on Fox, and conservative talk radio) would let him get away with this, as they have let him get away with everything else. In the end I think they will.

Think not? Look at thosse CNN ("The Liar Network") "internet" debates. CNN SCREENED the questions to be asked. EVERY "internet" question session of this, or any similar, kind is an absolute FRAUD. Why is that? Well, if you don't know, you are probably hopeless. But I will explain.

If you have THOUSANDS of "questions" submitted, and only--say--20 will actually be asked (whether you get to mouth the words, or aCNN reporter reads the question), WHO is really determinig what questions will be asked? Right. CNN (or whomever is CHOOSING the questions to be asked). It is an ILLUSION/DELUSION that private citizens are getting to ask the politicians "questions". The questions are being CHOSEN by the people screening them, and NOT truly by the people on the internet submitting the questions. With enough questions (not even that many consitute "enough"), there will surely be questions that fit the agenda of the people screening the questions. As this blog proved at the time, this was certainly true of the CNN/YouTube "internet" debate.

This blog reported the DISHONEST response of CNN to this criticism, at the time. That response was that CNN chose the questions to which "America" wanted answers!!!! Hypocrisy simply does not get any worse than that, or dishonesty. Since when is CNN "America". NOBODY WATCHES CNN.

The mainstream media still reports Obama promises to be "transparent", when he has PROVEN he, and the Democrats, have no such intention. We get bills no one has read and czars accountable to no one. The Federal Reserve (Bernanke: the sdeond worst failure in the history of world finance, behind Paulson) is refusing to disclose its finances, and what kind of moey it is spending. The Bush Adminstration wasmuch more "accounatable" than this (partially because the press was willing to challenge them).

Befoore I leave this, let me guide you about "town halls" or "internet" questioins. Unless both the questioners AND questions are UNSCREENED, the whole thing is a FRAUD. It is no more of a real test of what the public "wants to know" than the calls Rush Limbaugh takes every day.

You know why Obama likes this kind of control. It is not only because that is the kind of person he is, but because of Joe the Plumber. To the eternal sahme of John McCain and the miainstream media, Joe asked a tougher questin than ANY of them ever asked Obama, and got a more revealing answer than any of them ever got. Obama did not like that, and has done his best to avoid it both before and since.

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