Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Chuck Norris and Obamacare: Will He Punch Out Campbell Brown?

No, I don't approve of ment hitting women. I have never hit one in my life (other than maybe a small swat or two when my daughters were young), and I dont' expect I ever will. However, the scene of the despicable Campbell Brown (of lthe LIar Network, CNN) doing a "fact check" interview with Chuck Norris, and getting puched out by Norris for her vicious stupidity, is almost irresistible. I would pay MAJOR money to see it. I might even watch CNN, based solely on this fantasy, if Camptbell Brown were sceduled to interview Norris. I can make no greater sacrifice for a fantasy.

What am I talking about? Well, Chuck Norris has evicently actually read the House health care bill, which politicians and the mainstream media appear not to have done. He wrote a column about page 838 of the bill, which pays for a program to send GOVERNMENT AGENTS into people's homes to show them how to be parents. Yes, it is a perfectly serious column by Norris, making perfectly seriious p9oints BASED ON THE LANGUAGE OF THE BILLL. You won't, of course, learn the language of the bill from CNN, or anyone in the mainstream media. No, Norris does not talk aobut Campbell Brown. That is MY fantasy, because I saw 30 secodns of a promo on Lou Dobbs where Campbell Brown was promising to do "fact checking" on the health care bill. Campbell Brown, and all of CNN, are not capable of "fact checking" "Meni Kampf" or "The Communist Manifesto"--much less a complicated health care bill wich they have no interest in either reading or understanding.

You want to know what Chuck Norris said? Do I have to do everything for you? Go on the internet and find out. As I said, it is a perfectly serious column QUOTING THE BILL. The bill, of coure, has many sections like this, including the infamous "section 1233". Yep. That is the section REQUIRING "end of life counseling", and "planning" of "end of life" care. Mainstream media "fact checkers" like to assert the Obama/Pelosi "talking pont" that the bill does not specifically require that a 74 year old with cancer be "written off". So what. Do you want the government CONTROLLING these decisions? And HOW DO WE KNOW WHO WILL ABE WRIATTEN OFF? Just because Democrat pliticians and the mainstream media tell us so? Did the HYPOCRITES in in the mainstream media, and elsewhere on the left, read President Bush's security legislation in this TRUSTING manner, or in a PARANOID manner more lunreasonable than any opposition reading of this health care bill?

You should actually read the Chuck Norris column. You should inform yourself on the bill, and not on what a CNN "fact checker", or hack politician, say about the bill. Yes, the mainstream media has totally badicated its responsibility to examine what the House bill actually SAYS, in favor of pusing their agenda of supporting Obama and the Democrats.

There are some cracks. Charles Wayne (if I got the name right), of the Wasington Post, has read section 1233, and has concluded that it is SCARY stuff--not just scary to "right wig" zealots, but to any objective person readling the vauge and ominous provisions of the bill. The problem, of course, is that none of these provisions will remain the same. Rather, the final bill will be written in the dead of night, and then it will be attempted to be passed without anyone understanding what is in it. We will be "assured" that all problems of excessive government control and cost have been "fixed", and at the same time we will be assured that the final bill represents a REVOLUTION in hatlh care which we could not survive without, Those, of course, are two contradictory things, but Obama says contradictory things all of the time.

I apologize to Chick Norris for tivializing his serous article with my glorious fantasy. Hey, haven't you ever had a fantasy of Chuck Norris punching someonw out? Okay. If you don't like even the fantasy of a woman being punched out, how about Wolf Blitzer or Anderson Copper (also of the Liar Network)? Keith Olbermann (MSNBC)?

).S. I remind you again that Campbell Brown is unworthy of belief because HER FATHER is a CONVICTED FELON--convicted of LYING to the FBI. I picked this up from Wikipedia. Now you might rightly argue that attacking Campbell Brown through her family is a desicable thing. But you have to understand that I am only applying the standards of Brown herself here, and of CNN. See the archives of this blog as to where this started, with the truly despicable attacks of CNN on Sarah Palin. As I have said repeatedly, I do not turn the other cheek. You may think that the actions of an essentially adult daughter (in the case of Palin), or of a father (in the case of Brown) do not reflect on the innnocent parent or child. CNN thinks differently. Thus, I apply CNN standards when I talk about CNN personnel, and you should not pay attention to Campbell Brown because here fater was a sleazeball, lying felon. Okay, there are a lot BETTER reasons to pay not attention to Campbell Brown, or to all of CNN. I did not say it was EASY to lower myself to mainstream media standards. I have a lot of trouble doing it with a straight face. Bt I do my best.

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