Monday, August 10, 2009

President Obama: Cutting Medicare to "Finance" Health Care Overhaul (the Hypocrisy Never Ends)

Yes, this blog has already told you how insane it is for Obama to claim he is using "savings" in Medicare to finance Obamacare (health care overhaul). Medicare itself is in trouble financially, and any "savings" shoud be used to SAVE MEDICARE--not to finance a massive new program. But do you realize a "savings" in Medicare is a CUT, and that Obama is proposing to CUT MEDICARE?

Let us go back in history. Newt Gingrich and the Republicans, in the prosperous 1990's recovery saved by the blocking of Hillarycare, proposed "savings" in Medicare to SLOW THE GROWTH of Medicare spending. Bill Clintno, with the help of the hypocrites in the mainstream media, excoriated the Republicans for wanting to "cut" Medicare. This, of course, did not help Democrats win back Congress, since the people knew when they had it good. It idd help Clinton win again in 1996, as Democrats tried to SCARE the elderly (as they do every election).

Where are the Republicans? Where is the mainstream media? President Obama is now proposing to CUT Medicare, and not even use the "svaings" for the benefit of the elderly (as Gingrich was trying to do by using the "savings" to "save" Medicare)!!!!! Obama is proposing to SPEND the money taken from Medicare (from the elderly), t finance government health care for younger people. As this blog has stated, that can't help but hurt medical care for the elderly, as MORE pressure is put on Medicare.

Yes. I am asking. Where is the Republican SCARE campaign on this, which would be much more justified than the scare campaign against the modest Medicare "savings" Gingrich was proposing? Any Republican not taking on this issue should forget about 2012. He or she will not have my support. I have heard from Sarah Palin, even though the mainstream media is not going to pay attetnion to her. But where is Mitt Romney? Where is Bobby Jindal? Where is Charlie Crist (Chris Matthews' candidate, which does disqualify him anyway)? Where is any other Republican who wants to lead the party. Republicans seem willing to let Rush Limbaugh be the media "face" of the Republican Party by default, even though they don't seem to like it (trashing Rush Limbaugh being another way to DISQUALIFY yourself for 2012).

If Republicans are too wimpy to even note that Obama is CUTTING Medicare, without even using the "cuts" to "save" Medicare, then why be a Republican? Good question. That explains, among other things, why I am not a Repubican. Republican politicians should be HAMMERING this health care insanity every single day. Now I understnad that Republicans have a problem getting access to the media, but this is riiculous. If nothing else, Republicans should be getting attention by jumping on the HYPOCRISY of the mainstream media, and the Demopcrats. If Republicans were jumping up and down (talking about politicians), and screaming, and still could not get media attention, I would somewhat sympathize (and steop up my own attacks on the media). I don't see it happening. Yes, Republicans are against Obamacare, but in about as WIMPY a way they can possibly be.

Obama is CUTTING MEDICARE to try to "finance" this insanity!. If Republicans cannot even make an issue out of that, they might as well quit (not a bad idea for most of them). And where is the OUTRAGE over trying to do this in a rush, at the WORST possible time (when we can LEAST afford it). Oops! I forgot. The Republicans want to do something we can't afford as well (McCain tax credit plan). So much for being against increasing the deficit!

Nope. Obama and the Democrats are giving Republicans an opportunity here. As usual, Republicans seem to be dong little to take advantage of it. Where is the OUTRAGE over the Obama "snitch" program, and the Obama criticism of his opponents (including those speaking up at town hall meetings). The PEOPLE are outraged. What about Republican politicians? Obama has no hesitancy in calling Republicans name.s. Where is the response? The elederly do not sseem to have a problem in seeing that their health care in in danger. Where are the Republican politicians? Scared of their own shadows and/or the mainstream media (about equally as substantial)?

Don ask for support in 2010 and 2012 if you are not OUT FRONT NOW. Yes, you might even say some nice things about Rush (what a radical thought!).

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