Monday, April 20, 2009

President Obama: LOL Funny

Yes, President Obama is laugh out loud funny. The Drudge headline shows it best--why Obama should have you rolling in the aisles.

$3,550,000,000,000 "cut" by $100,000,000". That is only an approximate paraphrase of the Drudge headline, but it shows you just how funny President Obama is. The quotation marks are mine, by the way, around the word "cut".

Yes, $100,000,000 is not even 1%. In fact, it is not even 1/1000. A trillion is a thousand billion. A billion is a thousand million. 100,000,000 is 1/10 of a billion. It is 1/10,0000 of a trillion. It is 1/35,500 of the proposed budget. Is that not FUNNY? If you "cut" your PROPOSED "budget" for the coming year by 1/35,500, it would not even be a blip (even for Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, it would not be much).

Yes, President Obama made a big deal out of announcing that he is going to "cut" the proposed budget by $100 million dollars--which is nothing. Even that is probably a fraud, since Obama has a habit of assuming that saying something makes it so (even though he says the opposite thing the next day, or has said it the previous day). Actual spending for the year will probably be MORE than the "budget" amount--the full budget amount.

Surely President Obama was making a joke. But the mainstream media cannot take a joke. They are actually taking this as a serious example of Obama's dedication to fiscal responsibility! Yes, this would be hysterically funny, if it did not show the decline of this country so clearly. To pay attention to this kind of fraud ("cut") as if it were real labels us as beyond stupid as a country. The bailout of GM alone will cost us many times the $100,000,000 that Obama is claiming he will "cut". In illustration of just how small this number is (comparatively), you only have to consider that Treasury Secretary Geitner promised to DEDUCTS $163 million dollars wrom the failout to AIG to "pay" for those infamous bonuses (indicating that the $1653 million was an insignificant part of the 180 BILLION total bailout). If it is that easy to deduct 163 million from 183 billion, without affecting anything important, think how easy it should be to deduct a similar amount from 3.55 TRILLION. It is like saving a penny on buying a big screen, digital TV.

Nope. President Obama is a funny man. What makes me cry is the many people who don't realize how funny he is.

P.S.: This again shows how right this blog always is. I explained this technique to you before in connectioin with Democrat "cuts" of the "stimulus" (porkulus) package--first RAISED above 800 BILLION, and then "cut" to 780 billion or so. Then there is President Obama's promise to "cut" the deficit in half by the end of his first term, AFTER raising the deficit for this year to 2 TRILLION dollars. This technique is a fraud, even apart from the fact that many of the promised "cuts" never really happen. Think of telling your bank (as a business or credit card customer) that your deficit for the next year was originally projected (by you) to be 1 million dollars, but now (because of your "fiscal responsibility") has been reduced to $999,000. It is, of course, irrelevant that you only project income for the year of $100,000.00!!!

P.S. 2: Did you appreciate the figures above? Say you "project" spending $50,000 in this year. If you "cut" 1/35,500 from that amount, you would "cut" less than TWO (2) dollars!!! Dave Ramsey would be proud of your efforts to become "debt free"--NOT!!!

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