Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hillary Clinton and Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi: The Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate Points at You!!!!!

There was some wavering of the pointing Finger of Fate this week. The judges had to confer. There was considerable sentiment for giving the award to "global warming" fanatics of every kind (including, of course, President Obama and the Democrats in Congress), and to "scientists" in particular distorting the entire basis of "science" (which is supposed to be a skeptical process of probing "theories" for weakness and not a body of revealed truth). This--somewhat successful--leftist attempt to turn "science" (and scientists) into a political tool to advance a leftist, anti-capitalist agenda is becoming a major danger to this country. In the end, if President Obama has his way, it will destoy the economy of this country and the world, beyond hope of recovery (without major upheaval).

In the end, however, the judges determined that the Finger had fixed more of the immediate stupidity of Hillary Clinton and Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi rather than the "lifetime achievement" stupidity of "global warming" fanatics (which includes anyone who considers it a "crisis" that we have to ruin our economy addressing). Yep. We are talking here about MEXICO (that failed country), and the incredibly stupid statements of Hillary Clinton in Mexico. Meanwhile, "Total Failure" Pelosi chimed in by labeling illegal immigrants as "patriots". To Democrats, almost anything is "patriotism" except actually supporting this country against its enemies.

The Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate is this blog's unauthorized reincarnation of the old "Laugh In" award for "outstanding" stupidity and/or evil in the preceding week. The coveted/dreaded award is represented by a statuette of a pointing INDEX finger.

You can look at last week's entry on what Hillary Clinton said in Mexico. This entry will not dwell on "Total Failure" Pelosi and her assertion that we should not deport any illegal immigrants ("patriots" that they are) merely for being illegal immigrants. This, of course, is not a sound basis for immigration policy (not to mention depriving actual Americans of jobs in a distressed economy). It is unsound--stupid, to be blunt--to suggest that people who actually succeed in evading border "security" are therefore "qualified", by that act of "patriotism", to live permanently in the United States. Amond other things, it undermines "border security" to have security only at the border. What is disturbing is that part of the "news" last week was Obama's Homeland Security Secretary had cancelled planned raids on employers (hurting AMERICAN workers again), because such raids are supposedly not being decided based on the right criteria. But enough. If you don't consider "Total Failure" Pelosi to be stupid, and this to be another example of that stupidity, nothing I say will go very far toward convincing you. Thus, the rest of this entry will concentrate on Clinton.

Secretary of State Clinton went to Mexico last week and said some incredible things. First, she blamed the United States for the unchecked violence in Mexico, where the drug cartels control major portions of the country (including Juarez, across the Rio Grande from El Paso, where I am writing this). That stupid statement was bad enough, illustrating that leftist Democrats still are invested in blaming America for all of the evils in the world (until we see the "light" and embrace leftism). However, Secretary of State Clinton was just getting warmed up.

The very next day, in Mexico, she praised the "partnership" in Mexico between the "public sector" (government) and the "private sector". Now I admit there is a "partnership" in Mexico between government and the "private" drug cartels, but I don't think that is what Clinton meant. Clinton hled up Mexico as a "model" for the United States. You just can't get any more stupid than that. Of course, she neglected to mention that bribery is a way of life in Mexico, and that the other way in which there is a "partnership" between the public and private sectors in Mexico is in the fact that public officials at all levels exist on mordida (bribes) paid to them to perform their public function in the way the person paying want that function performed.

Clinton specifically praised Mexico as "model" for the United States based on Mexico's "green" policy, and promotion of "alternative fuels"--an absolutely weird statement on the part of Clinton, given that Mexico relies on oil revenues for a good part of its budget (besides the "under the table" money provided by the drug lords). This absurdity goes beyond the fact that Juarez is a major source of pollution in El Paso (right across the river)--including from open fires in the winter time.

If you really believe that rich people, and corporations, have to obey "the law" in Mexico, I still have an inventory of bridges in Brooklyn that I am selling. So long as the right people are "paid off", rich people and corporations in Mexico are not subject to "the law". It does not matter what laws are on the books. To suggest that Mexico is a "leader" in "green" politics is merely absurd. On this subject, good for them!!!

Thus, you have Hillary Clinton holding up a failed country, on the verge of collapse into anarchy where the mayor of Juarez had to flee for his life just a month ago, as a MODEL for the United States. It just does not get any worse than that. Worst of all, I think leftist Democrats like Clinton really believe this stuff. They really do prefer the authoritarian "rule of men, and not law" represented by Mexico. Committed leftists want central planning, and they don't care about the actual results. Mexico is the essence of a "central planning" country. that is part of Mexico's problem--a main part.

Yes, the old leftists used to point to the Soviet Union as a "model" for the United States. Some, like Michael Moore, still point to Cuba as a model for us. Hollywood people make pilgrimages to Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. Hillary Clinton's stupid statements in Mexico are not an aberration. They are merely further evidence of the leftist mindset--the leftist view of the world. It is for that reason that the Finger finally settled on Clinton and "Total Failure" Pelosi as the recipients of this week's Finger.

Award ceremony (again, entirely in the imagination, without even any graphics, which is why I suggest using Dick Martin as solely a visual aid--Martin having hacked into this blog from whereve he now is, as to which it is best not to think, to complain about the words being put in his mouth):

Imagine Dick Martin thrusting the statuette of the Finger at the camera and saying: "Hillary Clinton and Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi, this is for you. You deserve it. If only we could deport you to Mexico. You might then, like at least 60% of the people in Mexico who want to lieve here, appreciate the United States. It is no accident the mayor of Juarez has a house in El Paso."

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