Monday, March 30, 2009

GM: Government Motors ("Barack in Wonderland"?)

You gotta love Drudge. This headline, "GM: Government Motors", is the present main headline on Drudge. See previous two entries in this blog.

Note that President Obama has again confirmed himself as a blatant liar. "We don't seek to run GM". Uh-huh. What else do you call it when you fire the CEO and demand the compnay adopt a "restructuring plan" satisfactory to YOU? Nope. President Obama is a liar of the pathological kind (sort of like Billl Clinton), where words mean only exactly what he intends them to mean--no more and no less, and can mean different things at any time. Read "Alice in Wonderland". That might be the most appropriate description of the Age of Obama: "Barack in Wonderland". Or is it the rest of us who have been condemned to live in Barack's "Wonderland"?

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