Friday, March 27, 2009

Hillary Clinton and Mexico: A "Model" for this Country?

Hillary Clinton went to Mexico, and seemingly said Mexico was a superior country to the United States. For the past two years, and more, this blog has shown you that Mexico is a FAILURE as a country. The blog entries have been generally under the headline: "Mexico, A Failed Country".

That did not stop Clinton from saying, in Mexico, that it was our fault that Mexico is now falling apart. That was just the beginning.

Yesterday, in Monterey (I believe), Hillary Clinton said that Mexico is a "model" for us in terms of the "partnership" in Mexico between the "public and private sectors". Mexico, of course, has always been a leftist/socialist country dominated by the government and run by a small oligrachy (not really changed that much by the loss of dominance of the PRI party, which used to run Mexico as a one party state). Further, corruption has always been a way of life in Mexico.

In short, there is a reason that most people in Mexico, including those fairly well off, want to live in the United States. It is no accident that the mayor of Juarez has a house in El Paso, Texas (where I live and am typig this). You will remember that the drug cartels, less than a month ago, caused the mayor to flee Juarez, and to have his family flee Juarez, after he was threatened by the drug cartels. They even threatened to behead him no matter where he fled, even if he fled to his house in El Paso,. This caused the news media here to ask the police (in El Paso) what they would do. They responded that they thought they could handle the drug cartels, and would protect any and all persons residing in El Paso--including the mayor of Juarez and his family, if that is where they moved. As it turned out, the mayor's family apparently--never can be sure about these things--did not flee to El Paso, but to the interior of Mexico.

Yes, Hillary Clinton, there probably is a "partnership" in Mexico between the "public and private sector"--between the corrupt officals and police and the drug cartels. Even ordinary private enterpire is, indeed, dominated by the "elite" that runs Mexico for the benefit of that elite. You can see why Hillary Clinton praises that system, since it is exactly what she and President Obama want for this country (a system which has left most of Mexico in abject poverty).

Hillary Clinton was not through. She went on to praise Mexico for its "green" efforts (part of that "partnership"), and suggesting that such efforts are a "model" for us. Again, this is probably true. Obama and Clinton DO want this country to be like Mexico, run by a leftist "elite" for the benefit of that elite--with everyone else poor. There is actually a relief effort here in El Paso to help homeless children living off of trash dumps IN MEXICO. Then there is the pollution drifting over from Juarez in winter, from the OPEN FIRES and other inefficient heating.

It is one of the most revealing things I have ever heard to hear these clips of Hillary Clinton holding up Mexico as a "model" for US. That FAILED country is indeed the model for what Obama and Clinton indeed to do to this country.

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