Saturday, September 12, 2009

CNN, Hopeless Hypocrites: The Liar Network Has a Really Bad Week

CNN had a really bad week. Yes, I know. CNN has a bad week EVERY week, but last week (especially Friday) was really bad--even for CNN. Considering that CNN is officially known as "The Liar Network", and has--in the past--made a point (especially Soledad O'Brien) out of endorsing the RACISM of Reverend Wright, this is saying quite a lot. No wonder CNN has no viewers. Nope. I am NOt a viewer. I simply got this entry's information by hearing clips, and seeing/hearing read the complete letter from the author of Big On to the specifics.

On Friday, CNN got so involved in its own agenda that it reported a Coast Guard TRAINING EXERCISE as a MAJOR incident creating major danger to President Obama. CNN reported an incursion into a restricted area, and quoted Coast Guard transmissions as if the incident were real. It, of course, was not real Again, it was a TRAINING EXERCISE.

Do reporters ever check facts anymore? Obviously not CNN!!!!! Merely checking with the Coast Guard before going with this "story" would have saved CNN major shame and embarrassment--except they have no shame.

Now you may say: "Well, maybe Fox rep roted the initial reports, and should CNN not have reported that some sort of incident appeared to have taken place"? This idea that you should "report" stories without finding out the facts is one of the things that is wrong with modern "journalism", including--on occasion--Fox. But I seriously doubt Fox went as far as CNN.

What did CNN do? I am glad you asked. They were already SPECULATING as to the amount of danger Obama was in, and whether he had "safely" been evacuated from the area. They were already wringing their hands over the plight of our President faced with all of those dangerous people out to kill him, egged on by all of this "vitriol". I don't know what CNN said when they found out that all of this tragic hand wringing, and agonizing over our valiant President in danger, turned out to be a Coast Guard HOAX. Oh, I know that the Coast Guard said that they saw no reason not to run a training exercise on 9/11, but maybe the President himself, and the Secret Service, were misled by that evil Coast Guard. The poor guy has so many right wing enemies out there!!! Enough. CNN simply looked ridiculous.

Then there was the open letter from the primary author behind Unless you have been watching CNN, or the rest of the mainstream media, you probably heard about the undercover "sting" that this guy pulled on ACORN.

He posed as a pimp, and brought in a woman posing as a prostitute/madam, and went to an ACORN office in Baltimore asking for HELP in bringing in underage (like 13) GIRLS from El Salvador to work in a brothel in the United States (in other words, as virtual sex slaves). The resulting VIDEO shows the ACORN people trying to HELP this pimp, and prostitute, bring in illegal, underage girls to work as prostitutes. ACORN even suggested how to SAVE TAXES by claiming the girls as DEPENDENTS. Look up the video yourself. It is amazing.

CNN did not play the "raw" video, but instead went into Reverend Wright defense mode by suggesting that laws may have been broken in getting this video, and that it was a "setup" where the actions of a few "crazies" (maybe even somehow put up to it) were being used to try to discredit ACORN, and ultimately Obama. Problem: Th enext day issued a SECOND video showing that the Washington, D.C. office of ACORN had DONE THE SAME THING. ACORN, meanwhile, did not deny the facts, although we all know that all of these criminals in ACORN do not really represent the organization We know that because ACORN has said so every time its members are accused of outrageous crimes--those "incidents' now so numerous that they can't even be counted.

Now CNN may have been justified in believing that ACORN's attitude toward illegal immigration (all for it) is basically the same as Obama's attitude. Obama has shown no inclination to really stop illegal immigration. amd his Administration has done little or nothing to meet the crisis here on the Mexican border. See my articles on "Mexico, a Failed Country" both on Newsvine and in my Google blog, "The Maverick Conservative". Besides, there wee IMPORTANT stories to be "outraged" about, such as that state senator caught on tape bragging about his sex exploits with women not his wife. Did I mention that the people at CNN, and in the rest of the mainstream media, are the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth? Well, they are.

Doubt me? Wait for it. Even though CNN did not play his raw video--only tried to discredit it---CNN wanted to get the guy on their network. Well, this guy (who I am beginning to really like--I leave discovering his name as an exercise for you) obviously is aware that CNN is officially The Liar Network. He wrote and open letter to the hypocrites at CNN.

The letter noted how CNN had immediately tried to defend ACORN, and discredit his video--WITHOUT SHOWING THE RAW VIDEO. He noted that CNN's "higher rated competitor" (FOX) had shown the video He went on to say that he did not feel like subjecting himself to a HIT SQUAD/piece on CNN unless they at least had the decency to show his video so people knew exactly what was being talked about

Again, now wonder CNN has no viewers. You not only get bias, but you don't even get the facts necessary to evaluate the bias. What CNN says is bad. What they fail to report is almost criminal.

Yes, go back to MEXICO. See my entries on Mexico. Taking their cue from President Obama, CNN has reported almost nothing about the DRUG WAR going on along the Mexican border (mainly in Mexico, but spreading to the U.S.). More than 3,000 people have dies in Juarez, Mexico in less than two years. That is the sister city to El Paso, across the Rio Grande. If Obama mentions the "problem", CNN---and the rest of the mainstream media-MIGHT do an incomplete and misleading report on just how bad things now are in Mexico, especially along the border. Otherwise, the whole thing is ignored. Ye, more people are now dying in Juarez than in BAGHDAD.

CNN, and the rest of the mainstream media, truly are hopeless. They are HYPOCRITES on a scale beyond belief. Luckily, people are learning, and the mainstream media has an audience on its way to declining to zero. CNN has taken the lead, as its audience already has declined to zero.

You doubt me on CNN, and the mainstream media, being hypocrites of the worst kind? Don't. Consider how an organization like ACORN would be reported if it were a CONSERVATIVE organization supporting Republicans. Evem a single bad act would be deemed to reflect badly on the whole group, the whole party, and every cause in which the group had an interest. Look at poor Joe Wilson, who merely told the truth, but in the wrong place and time. The mainstream media (the despicable AP did a story directly to this effect" even tried to suggest that Joe Wilson had "sealed the deal" on health care for Obama. Talk about "guilt by association"!!! H::HYPOCRTITES.

It reallly was a bad week for CNN, but hter are no good weeks.

1 comment:

Slapinions said...

Yeah, it was a piss poor week for CNN, and as for Obama . . .Well, he's spent much of the last month making sure America bends over and grabs its ankles. Carter Pt II.

Why the long break btwn posts?