Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama Health Care Plan: Elxclusive Text--Blank Check?

Here is the exclusive text of the secret Obama health care plan, obtained by this author by violating national security in a manner of which the mainstream media would be proud:

"The relevant Federal agencies shall have the power to make such regulations as they reasonably deem appropriate to provide what should be in all new health insurance policies issued in this country, and such regulations as shall be required to contain health care costs in this country. The relevant federal agencies--including any new ones created, and any quasi-government entities created--shall have a blank check to spend whatever money is deemed appropriate to subsidize co-ops, and any other quasi-government or other entities, to such degree necessary to insure all Americans--with the power to require all Americans to enroll in such subsidized insurance."

See the previous article for a partial explanation. This is the simple text which is the basis for ALL of the several thousand page versions of the bill. If you think the above quoted sentences are convoluted, you should try to read the deceptive, vague stuff in the proposed actual bills--pages designed to conceal the real agenda here. Of course, the arrogant people writing the House bill are so stupid that they failed to realize the idea was to CONCEAL the actual agenda. That is why you got all of that stupid. leftist language in addition to the deliberately confusing gobbledygook.

You think I am kidding? Well, I am "kidding" (I think) about the existence of the actual, written text above. Yet, I am not kidding about that being the hones text of what Obama intends. He just has that intention in his head, instead of down on paper.
You doubt me? Remember the TARP bill--the original Paulson/Democrat/Bush 700 billion dollar bill to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to purchase toxic assets? Remember how Congress p[ut all of those restrictions on how, and at what price such toxi assets would be purchased? Remember how Congress spent more than TWO WEEKS on this farce of a debate, when no toxic assets were purchased? Instead, we directly "invested" taxpayer money in banks, GM, and who knows what other companies. That was not debated AT ALL in connection with the bill. Here is the text of the actual bill, that was used to craft the deceptive, published bill:

The Secretary of the Treasury shall have a blank check to spend 700 billion dollars in such ways as he deems appropriate to meet the present financial 'crisis'"

How can you disagree with me on what the actual bill was? You can't. I assure you that they are going to try to pass a health care bill of a similar type, intending to ultimately give complete power to Federal regulators to transform our health care and health insurance industries in the manner that the regulators (and their political bosses) desire.

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