Friday, September 24, 2010

Iran, Ahmadinejad, Insanity and Evil: The Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press (Iran's opinion of the NYC imam and proposed mosque?)

" Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provoked yet another controversy Thursday saying a majority of people in the United States and around the world believe the American government staged the Sept. 11 terror attacks in an attempt to assure Israel's survival."

The above is the lead paragraph from the "Anti-American, Despicabble Associated Press" now featured on Yahoo "News" (BOYCOTT YAHOO).

Nope. The story just does not cut it. The AP has again earned its official name (quoted above), as it did when it featured a story that the Hugo Chavez Administraton in Venezuela believed that 9/11 was an "inside job" of the Bush Administration. Yep, the AP presented that previous story as a perfectly reasonable, straight "news" story ("despicable" is too kind a word for the anti-American AP).

"...rovoked a controversy"? Give me a break. Yes, I could tell the AP how to do this, but if the AP hired anyone like me they would not be the truly incompetent, evil people that they are. Nope. I am sorry. There is no "controversy" here. As with the Chavez story, this was merely the INSANE, evil Iranian President insultng the United States with that KOOK conspiracy theory of the American left. This is NOT "provacative" (as the AP said in the next paragraph). It is using a KOOK assertion as a mortal insult. Christine O'Donnell would kill for this kind of neutral story from the despicable AP.

Think how the desicable AP would have reported this story if the Iran President had said that Barack Obama was not legitimate because he was born outside of the United States (ALMOST as much of a kook theory--"almost" because it is slightly more possible that it might have hapened, although there is no evidence that it did). The mind boggles at what the AP would say to the "birther" statement (I recommend it to Ahmadinejad, but I think he knows that he is appealing to the left here). I assure you that the story would not be that the Iran President had "provoked controversy".

You may think I am overreacting here. I am not. I know the despicable AP, and the people who write for it, better than any other person on Earth. If anything, I have not been strong

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