Monday, May 11, 2009

Cancer: Can Federal Money "Cure Cancer"? "Cloak and Dagger", and Gary Cooper, Show the Lie Behind the Lefitst Approach

Do you believe that all the Federal Government has to do to "cure cancer" is throw enough money at the problem, and declare--Obama style--that we WILL find a "cure" for cancer in one year? If so, then you are the perfect person for the Age of Obama. You are also a total idiot. And I can PROVE it--along the way proving that the left has LIED (or at least been totally misguided) for SIXTY YEARS.

"Cloak and Dagger" was a 1940's World War II (made after World War II) movie, starring Gary Cooper as a nuclear scientist who becomes a "cloak and dagger" operative to stop the Nazis from developing an atomic bomb. It is a reasonably good (worth seeing, but not going out of your way to see) thriller which I rate at 64 on a scale of 0 to 100. Notice the lack of fundamental suspense for anyone not a product of our public educational system in the Age of Obama (an Age, by the way, that started well before Obama, but came to full flower with Obama). We know, of courrse, that the Nazis did not, in fact, deveop nuclear weapons. But the movie is passable, and the male and female leads (Gary Cooper being the male lead, and good as usual) are easy to root for. After all, there is SOME supsense in what happens to the characters, even if none as to the result of their efforts (and efforts, of course, of some real people, although I don't know that the Nazis were ever THAT close to developing an atomic bomb, despite their obvioius "scientific" talent).

What does paragraph 2 have to do with paragraph one above? Ah. It has to do with a single leftist line inserted in Gary Cooper's mouth. I don't know Gary Cooper's politics, but I recognize the long time leftist sentiment when I hear it. Gary Cooper is musing/complaining how so many scientists are receviving all of these resources (Manhattan Project) to develop a WEAPON, when they don't recevie funding for projects to benefit humanity, in the course of asserting that the human race is not "ready" for atomic power (as if it were ever relevant whether the human race is "ready" for something--it being a leftist delusion that this kind of "guilt" lecture has any meaning). In the course of this overall leftist lecture (to establish that the Cooper character CARES, and is on the side of the angels), Cooper makes the FALE (ojectively false) statement that is the point of this entry.

"Give us (scientists" a billion dollars and I guarantee that, IN ONE YEAR, we will find a cure for cancer."

Doesn't that sound like Obama (except Obama is pretty careful not to "guanantee" definite things, as distinguished from simply asserting that we WILL do something, and asssuming that the mere assertion makes it so)?

How many BILLION dollars have been spent on cancer reasearch since "Cloak and Dagger" was made? Any "cure" for cancer? Of course not. Oh, SOME cancers are now "curable"--mainly by either operation or directly destorying the cancer cells. But it did not happen with a "billion" dollars, or in one year. And we seem no closer to a SYSTEMIC cure for cancer than we were when "Cloak and Dagger" was made. You might also consider how many BILLLIONS of dollars have been DIVERTED (by central planning) to the politically correct "research" on AIDS (whether the research was promising or not, and without denying that AIDS is a killer disease for which we needed tratments). In the Age of Obama, the funding goes to the politically correct, "favored" research and researchers. That is truly a dangerous thing.

However, the main point here canot be argued. This leftist assertion that all we need is the WILL to SPEND MONEY, and central planning will "solve" all problems is demonstrably false--a LIE, if you will. That is actually PROVEN by "Cloak and Dagger", and the leftist word put in Gary Cooper's mouth 60 years ago. You hear the same words today, in many different contexts: from embryonic stem cell research to AIDS. The words LIE. Lefitsts LIE. The best that can be said of them is that SOME do not realize they lie (which, I guess, means those people are merely stupid instead of deliberate liars).

By the way. It is NOT necessarily true that the Federal Government (to which Gary Cooper was clearly referring) should spend ONE DIME on medical research. Do drug companies need the Federal Government to induce them to spend money looking for a cure for cancer? Nope. What about places like Harvard, with the big endowment? Bill Gates? Warren Buffet (who provided 10 BILLION dollars to "save" GE)? The March of Dimes (battle against polio)? If you don't understand that the all powerful Federal Government approach might HINDER finding a cure for cancer (with centralized planning sending funds only to the politically "favored", then you are, indeed, a perfect person for the Age of Obama.

Now I am not a violent opponent of Federal "seed" money for basic research, or for Federal money for the Centre for Disease Control. But it would not break my heart if there were NONE (albeit the Center for Disease Congrol is necessary for national security, so long as we do not turn it into a source of massive slpending to address every disease problem we have, which the recent swine flu reaction indicates we are in the process of doing). But it is clear that centralized planning is NOT the way to solve ANY problem, including a cure for cancer. Nor is massive, wasteful Federal throwing of money at every problem.

Yous say I am behind the times? Well, you are right. I am not part of the Age of Obama. The problem for the country is that I am right, and Obama-type thinkers are WRONG. Argue this if you must, but you can't argue that the leftist words out of Gary Cooper's mouth in "Cloak and Dagger" were WRONG.

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