Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi: Green Queen in China

Yes, the reference earlier today to the Drudge headline on the "Green Queen" was to Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi--perhaps the most dishonest, stupid hypocrite to ever walk the Earth (despite the extremely strong competition from other leftists, including Al Gore--who exceeds her on this particular issue but perhaps not overall). The Drudge headline was put under a picture of Pelosi, although you may ave been too lazy to check it out.

Is there any indcation taht "Total Failure" Peolosi has conducted an "invenotry" of "every aspect" of her life and changed her life in every aspect to "go green"? Don't be silly. She is married to a wealthy man. I would bet you that she has given up little or nothing of her own lifesylte (typical of leftists, including Gore). Doubt me? Remember the previous entry in this blog (see archives) about how "Total Failure" Pelosi was so angry when the military did not have IMMEDIATELY available to her the jet that she wanted--it being settled lpolicy that the Speaker of the House have access to travel in a military jet, when available? Nope. From her religion to her politics, "Total Failure" Pelosi is a total hypocrite.

That is, however, not what amuses me most about this story. "Total Failure" Pelosi said this to get applause in CHINA--in effect adopting the Chinese approach that "global warming" is totally an AMERICAN ({"rich country") problem.

Dirty little secret (although not really secret--just ignored): It does not matter what WE do on greenhouse gases. Chinal would like us to impoverish ourselves, while China goes its merry way. But almost ALL of the projected INCREASES in green house gases for the future are expected to come from China, India, and other Third World countries. They have no intention of remaining "poor", even though they are perfectly fine with US becoming poor trying to "fight" "global warming". This is one of the many reasons that the total "global warming" fraud is such a crock. If increased greenhouse gases are going to "kill the planet" (see today's previous entry on Sonia Sotomayor), then we are DOOMED no matter what. Places like China and INdia are NOT going to condemnt their people to permanent poverty because of "global warming". Now it is true that China is FORCING people to have no more than one child, which most leftist environmentalists would probably endorse for us (since freedom is one of those things in which leftists do not believe). But that is a PROSPERITY measure, and NOT because of "global warming" (albeit it has a direct "greenhouse gas" effect, since every breathing animal on this planet EXHALES CO2 (greenhouse gas). Indeed, there is a move to LIMIT fram animals like sheep and cows, because they BELCH greenshouse gases and otherwise cause emission of more greenhouse gases. As usual, this is partly a way to advance a leftist agenda, using "global warming" as only the excuse. Yes, we are back to PETA, which does not like the way we "use" animals.

It is still ironic that "Total Failure" Pelosi would go to China and say central planning things about controllling people's lives--concentrating on an area where even Joe Biden (during campaign) said China was deficient. Remember the "air quality" concerns during the Olympics? Nope. It is CHINA that is really on the front liines as far as the increase in greenhouse gases is concerned. What we in the U.S. do hardly matters (despite leftist GUILT over our "disproportionate" use of energy and emission of greenhouse gases).

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