Friday, May 15, 2009

Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi and the Death of Feminism (Or Is This Wishful Thinking On My पार्ट?)

You can count the implosion of Nancy Pelosi as another validation of the accuracy of this blog. Yes, this blog has been no different than many conservative outlets in pointing out just how hoplessly bad Pelosi is, on every level. But this blog has done so, accurately, on levels establishment Repbuclicans will not touch--such as the total, stupid HYPOCRISY of Pelosi on her supposed Catholic religion, where I conclusively showeed, using her own words, that Pelosi does not believe in religion at all). This blog's accuracy rating, including on swine flu (see yet another entry planned for today) has now risen to 99.8%. This blog has not been shown to be wrong since initially declaring Hillary Clinton the winner of the Democratic nomination (as she should have been, wiht a decent campaign and without media betrayal of feminism that would reach a whole new level with Sarah Palin), and my statement that John McCain would NOT be the Republican nominee. I redeemed myself on McCain by CORRECTLY telling Rush Limbaugh and conservative talk radio that they were BETRAYING conservatives by a hypocritical "neutrality" in the race for the Republican nomination, when they desperately needed to get behind Mitt Romney as the only conservative hope in the race. In other words, despit my premature obiturary, I perceived the real danger of McCain well before the opinion "leaders" of conservatism, and said so (in foresight yet again, rather than hindsight) at the crucial time (BEFORE Iowa, when this blog endoresed Romney). I digress (sort of).

This blog long ago dismissed Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi. Note the nickname, which has been this blog's nickname for Pelosi or a yer or more. Therefore, I will not belabor the point. "Total Failure" Pelosi has been a MUTLIPLE "winner" of this blog's Flying, Fickle Finger of Fate (on hiatus for lack of interest). It would be merely "piling on" for this blog to detalil the multiple versions of Nancy Pelosi's idiocy regarding the CIA and "torture". Saying what everyone else is saying has always been somewhat uninteresting to me. I will note that President Obama can get away with saying contradictory, false things day after day. "Total Failure" Pelosi cannot. That brings me to the point of this entry.

Is the case of "Total Failure" Pelosi yet another indication that "feminism" is waning fast in America? Pelosi is definnitely a total embarrassment to feminism of the leftist kind. Hell, she is an embarrassment to the human race. But there was a time when she would have been pretty much immune from serious attack. She may survive this latest idiocy, but indications are that "feminism" is no longer such a sacred cow as to automatically save Pelosi. Hillary Clinton was the first strong indication of the waning influence of knee jerk feminism. Then Sarah Palin expossed the utter hypocrisy of leftist "feminists"--who are leftists much more than they are feminists. There is not much question that this decline of feminism is occurring. There is even a Gallup Poll out showing that the siganture "issue" of radical feminism is waing--as the "pro-life" positions gain ground (not that I believe you should pay any attentioin to polls, but you can probably believe this knd of poll because it goes gainst the pro-abortion bias plling--and poll questions--have always had). The only question is WHY feminism is waning.

I think it is because women have finally realized that feminsm has NOT helped them. Instead of increasing their options, it has pretty mcuh REDUCED them. Yes, there are more women police officers and firefighters.(but do MOST women really want to be police officers or firefighters?). But at what cost? Do women really have the option to be housewives and mothers anymore? Are women really "helped" when the reaction of a boyfriend informed of a pregnancy is: "Get an abortion"? Are women really "helped" by the idea that they should adopt the old sexual "standards" of men (that is, NO standard)? If relationships are more important to women, and marriage more important to women, has feminism "helped" women in that area? Women are now perceiving the corect answer to all of these questions, and are beocming more and more skeptical of feminism.

Yes, in many ways many men "like" feminism, and especially the sexual freedom aspects. It definitely helps male predators out there, and men who are glad to put responsiblity on women to support themselves (and perhaps the man too).

Men, however, are smarter than women. We have always known that the advantages of feminism for men are superficial things that do not outwiegh the destruction of social order. Men are simple creatures. Underneath, we just want a woman to take care of us, even at the cost of "marriage" and/or supporting her. Now if we don't HAVE to marry, or support, we will take the easy path that fits our short term desires. But we perceive that there is something WRONG with this, and are not really happy. This also expalins why men are not as easy to embrace the leftist idea that the government will "take care of us".

Men are just too smart to deceive ourselves. We may let our sex drive rule us, on occasion and with the opportunity, but we don't by into fiction--such as the fiction that men and women are the same, or that "I am from the government, and I am here to help you".

Bottom line: Men would, deep down, prefer that women "take care of us" (on an emotional level, while we take care of them economically), than realy on the govenment to "take care of us" (on all levels).

The above, by the way, explains why this blog is right in the one absolutely kooky positioni of this blog (part of the "Yor Are a Kook If:" series in this blog not recently featured because leftist kooks merely keep reinventing the old lefitst kookisms instead of coming up with new ones). Yes, civilization DID begin to go down hill when women got the vote.

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