Tuesday, June 9, 2009

IBM: Downright Creepy

"I find the concept of a 'smart city' downright creepy."

That is essentailly what Dan said in his comment to my previous entry, and I want to thank hiim for that. I was unable, in all of my verbosity, to explain the feeling I get listening to IBM's present commercials. "Downright creepy" is the phrase for which I was fumbling. I know that Dabn did not exactly calll IBM "downright creetp". That was dramatic license on my part in the headline.

If you are not creeped out by the idea of IBM computers examinig every aspect of the way you are using energy in your home, and TELLING you how you mst change your life, then there is something wrong with you (as there is if you have a leftist mindset--this blog having established that true leftists do NOT believe in freedom).

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