Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Global Warming, Abortioin and Crimes Against Humanity, part 2 (Guest: Paul Rodriguez)

You will remember part I of this entry, wherein I yet again PROVED that leftists are the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth on two legs. I used as an example the attempt to link the murder of an abortion doctor with the rhetoric of pro-life groups, even as "global warming" leftists were calling for the jailing and/or execution of "global deniers" ("global wariming" skeptics, like me). I promised, in part 2, to explain some of the CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY committed by radical environmentlaists. Ask Paul Rodriguez--"Latino" comedian and "activist" (at least in some ways, having even been a prominent supporter of Cesar Chavez and the rights of California farm workers). So let us list SOME of the "crimes against humanity" of radical environmentalists (I call them "radical", but they are in control of many policies and "establishment" positions), starting with the grievance of Mr. Rodriguez:

1. To "save" a fish (probably not in danger), and because they don't like "delta" farmining (maybe because they don't like ANY farming on the scale necessary to FEED us), environmentalists have CUT OFF WATER (state of California and/or the EPA have cut off water to satisfy environmentalists) to some of the major farms in California. Paul Rodriguez is mad as Hell over it (as he should be), even though he voted for Obama. Rodriguez says that these insane leftists have told him that there is no reason to worry about the RICH WHITE FARMERS whose farms are being destroyed. Podriguez, of course, responded: "What do you think happens to FARM WORKERS if there are no farms?" Is this a "crime against humanity" by environmentalists? Damn right it is. It is a crime against farm workers. But it is also a crime against everyone who needs to EAT. As Reodriguez says, food production is the one area of "manufacturing" in which this country still excels. Now the environmentalists are going after THAT. How many people will STARVE because of environmentalists making food unavailable and/or too expensive for poor people? These criminals against humanity DO NOT CARE. Yes, I know their "solution" is for the GOVERNMENT to "feed" people--even as they make it harder and harder for ANYONE to feed people. These people are insane, and true criminals against humanity.

2.. Biofuels, and therefore environmentalists, are TAKING FOOD OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF THE PORR worldwide. A U.N. report even asserted that the diversion of food to biofuels was essentially a "crime against humanity", because it deprives the world's poor of FOOD. The fraud of "global warming" is not going to kill them. Environmentalists, murderors that they are, WILL kill them (the poor, whose food has been diverted to biofuels).

3. Not content with taking the foold out of the mouths of the poor, the envrionmentalists are trying to destroy the world's industrial civilization--all in the name of "global warming". This will DEVASTATE the "poor" around the world. Yes, I am referring to Obama's "cap and trade" legistlation, and simialr attempts to push up the costs of energy all around the world. This means the poor will be unable to afford ELECTRICITY. Is there any doubt this is a "crime against humanity"? I, for one, have no doubt. I know. The leftist "solution" remains GOVERNMENT, with "rich" nations (as well as rich people) being responsible for making up for leftist insanity. If you think that way, I am sorry for you. I can't help you. You are brain dead. Environmentalists are out to destroy the economy of the world, and they many succeed. This is truly a "crime against humanity"--humanity ni general and the poor (who will have no jobs) in particular.

4. Not content with killing people by starving them (directly, and because they have no way of earning money for food), environmentlists are killing the poor with DISEASE. Yes, depriving people of fod and nutrition, as well as money for medical care (putting them at the mercy of government rationing), creates disease. But environmentalists kill people more directly than that. President Bush took that trip to Tanzania and promised U.S. help with MOSQUITO NETTING to help fight malaria. Why did he not promise PESTICIDES. You know why, as well as I do. Environmentalists BLOCK the use of pesticides. DDT was effectively banned worldwide, even while it was still EFFECTIVE against mosquitos (with its dangers overblown in the propaganda book, "Silent Spring"). New pesticides are blocked. And the porr, in poor nationis, continue to DIE from malaria. Think how sad it is to have to rely on MOSQUITO NETTING to stop malaria. I guarantee you that if malaria were a problem in the United States, it would not be acceptable to people to have to rely on MOSQUITO NETTING to "protect" their children. Is this a "crime against humanity" by environmentalists? You bet.

And so on.

Do you think the above language is "harsh"? Well, it is meant to be. As I said in part I, I don't think it is appropriate to expand the concept of "crimes against humanity" beyond the obvious Nazi-type atrocities. But it is LEFTISTS who have tried to do that, including environmentalists. As previously stated, I do NOT turn the other cheek. If lthey want to play the game on that level, I am perfectly willing to accommodate them. Further, it gripes me no end when environmentalists say: "What harm does it do to go green? Even if 'global warmin' is a fraud, it still is good for us.". Hogwash. It KILLS PEOPLE, and is fas ruining the economy of the whole world (not to metnion food production). You can't get any more harmful than that.

P.S. Yes, abortion is also a "crime against humanity". However, it is not a DIRECT "cause" of environmentalists, although indirectly environmentalists are leftists who encourage abortion because they don't want any more people on this Earth (and just because they are leftists). But you can see why I did not specify abortion as a specifically environmentalist "crime against humanity". Nor is abortion a "matter of opnion". You can argue about first trimester abortions, even though no leftist has ever explained what magical thing happpens at a CERTAIN POINT on the lifeline of every human being, beginning at conception, where there is a human being in existence on one side of that point and no human being on the other side. However, there is absolutely NO scientific (or other) doubt that a ninth month fetus is a "higher" (more developed) being that an eighth month fetus. Thus, the (many--including Planned Parenthood and Obama) leftists who favor unrestricted abortion up to birth, if not beyond, FAVOR INFANTICIDE. Theere is absolutely no doubt about it, and they are criminals against humnaity (using the leftist standard of expanding that concept).

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