Friday, June 26, 2009

"Climate Change"/"Global Warming": Turst Us (lol); No One Needs to READ Federal Legislation

"Rep. Ed Markey (D-Mass.), one of the bill’s sponsors, finally rose to say that a single copy of the current version of the bill was available at the speaker’s desk – and on the Internet, which members would have to leave the floor to access."
Transparency? For leftist Democrats (the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth on two legs), it is all about POWER. For those of you not in the know, 300 pages were added to this "climate cange"/"global warming" (see previous entry) bill at 3 a.m. this morning to BRIBE enough Democrats to get this bill passed. Nuerous members of Congress have confessed they do not know what is in the bill.

I suggest they don't care. This is not about "saving the planted". This is about government POWER, and POWER for leftist Democrats. Just like the "stimulus" bill that no one had read, no one is really sure what is in this bill. What we do know is that this bill is an ATTTACK on the economy of this country, while CHINA has no intention of any such crippling of its own economy. The bill is a JOB KILLER, and a gift to China and India.

See my previous entries the past two days. As I said, you should vote against EVERY member of Congress who voted for this bill, FOREVER--no matter what office he or she runs for.

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