Friday, June 26, 2009

Cap and Trade: Crucifying Our Economy On a Cross of "Global Warming"

The main vote of "Cap and Trade" comes today in the House. Democrats like to call this an "energy reform" bill (See previous entry about the wisdom of Jane Austen). It is a TAX on our industrial civilization. It will destroy our economy, and crucify that economy on a cross of "global warming" (to again paraphrase/misquote Willim Jennings Bryan).

This is one of those votes where you should vote AGAINST every single Representative, INCLUDING REPUBLICANS, who vote for this bill--IN EVERY ELECTION IN WHICH YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY, ANY TIME DURING THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.

Now I have said something similar to the above as to the several "bailout" votes, and spending votes that have led us to the brink of economic fascim, and economic ruin. If you take all of the votes about which I have said this (that you should oppose, FOREVER, an Congressperson voting for such bill), you would end up voting essentially against almost every incumbent in Congress--including almost every Republican.

So what. That is, in fact, my brother's position: That we need to throw out ALL of the bums, and start over. The prinnciple is obviious. To get a mule's attention, you first may have to hit him over the head with a 2 by 4. It happens that throwing out every incumbent would leave us with a Republican Congress. Read the P.S. to my previous entry. I assure you I would not care if it led to a Democratic Congress. In fact, you might say that Reubicans have already been hit over the head with a 2 by 4. It is time for the Democrats to get the same message--although it is wildly optomistic to believe that Republicans have gotten tthe message. Think of the MESSAGE it would send if EVERY incumbent were defeated!!!! I agree with my brother (the trucking company co-owner NOT bailed out by Obma). There is nothing that would send a more valuable lesson to Congress than for EVERY incumbent to be defeated (whether the opponent is nominally any "better" or not). And we should keep REPEATING the process until the message gets across.

I know. Will the RIGHT message get across, or will politicians simply conclude that people wnat the government to do MORE. I am afraid of the answer to that question, but we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it. Throwing every incumbent out is the right place to start.

Even if you can't agree with my extreme measures, you really should vote against every single Repesentative--forever--who votes for this "Cap and Trade", JOB KILLER bill. Those who would crucify our economy on the cross of "global warming" deserve to GO, and stay gone. Unfortunately, they may not leave much of a country behind them.

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