Monday, March 22, 2010

Democrats R.I.P.:: Democrats Go the Way of the Federalists and the Whigs

It is not just that the Democratic Party is now going to have to defend a massive, 3000 page bill for FOUR YEARS before it even goes into full effect. When even Howard Dean sees that as a disaster for the Democratic Party, you know that it is. It is not just that the Democratic Party has shown complete contempt for the American people by pushing through this massive new Federal program and bureaucracy after the American people voted it down (in Virginia--which has passed a state law against it, New Jersey and Massachusetts). It is not just that the Democratic Party has now signalled it is firmly on the LEFT FORK of the road, and that no "moderates" need apply. It is not just the incredible arrogance of this health care vote, which Obama and the Democrats made clear they were going to push through no matter what--no matter what rules stood in their way or how many people were against it in the country. It is all of those things, and a lot more.

There are no "moderates" left in the Democratic Party. Oh, there may be a few people left who CALL themselves "moderates", but the party has set itself squarely on the far left. Every Democratic Party member of the Senate voted for this bill, and none can hide by now voting against the "Reconciliation Bill" still to be voted on in the Senate. The Senate health care bill is now LAW, and it does not even matter whether the Democrats succeed in continuing to tinker with it for POLITICAL reasons The few Democrats in the House who voted against the bill have NO influence in their party. Unless they switch parties, they are going down with the ship. Indeed, you can't trust any of them unless they do switch parties. Any such Democrats have no principles, after this smack down by their party. You could pretty much bet that, if their votes had been NEEDED, they would have voted for tis bill. It was obvious, at the end, that this bill was going to pass, and therefore some Democrats had "permission" to register a FALSE vote against the bill--which is what you should assume every Democrat vote against the bill was unless that Democrat switches parties.

That is the ultimate problem for the Democratic Party. It may be misled by the mainstream media, who believe that the Big Government far left represents the majority of Americans, but the Democratic Party is doomed once the people perceive it to represent only the far left. Nope. It does not matter if the mainstream media orchestrates a "bump" in the polls for the Democrats--based on the media "game theory" of politics: that "everyone loves a winner". The problem is that the Democratic Party is now "all in" (poker term) on the left, and will arrogantly make that clear from now on. In fact, this health care vote almost FORCES Democrats to push similar Big Government "solutions" to EVERYTHING (their inclination, in any event). This vote--including any "bump" in the polls---is merely going to fuel the ARROGANCE on the left that it can ignore the HICKS who oppose them and continue to push through their far left agenda--ignoring any "rules" in their way and that the American people (mainly HICKS, remember) do not want that agenda.

Yes, the Whig Party was a 19th Century American political party that disappeared. But the real ancestor of the modern Democrats--in philosophy--was the original "Federalist" Party--especially the "high Federalists" led by Alexander Hamilton. That party, too, disappeared, because it was totally out of step with the American people.

Yes, the "high Federalists" pushed an "historic vote" too. That was the vote on a NATIONAL BANK. You say tat you do not see a national bank now in existence? Clever you, although Ron Paul would suggest that the Federal Reserve is WORSE, and the modern Democratic Party wants to give the Federal Reserve the powers of a national bank. You will note that the Federal Reserve, and the whole Federal Government, did NOT stop either the Great Depression or this latest severe recession. I digress (sort of). The "high Federalists" rode that obsession with a "national bank", and with a powerful Federal Government, right into the grave made just for failed political parties. "Historic" does NOT mean either "good" or "successful". The mainstream media is likely to convince Democrats otherwise, to the extent this vote alone does not kill off the Democratic Party, and Democrats are likely to arrogantly push their leftist agenda to the end--their end. We have an "historic" President, and an "historic" vote. We will thus have an "historic" demise of a party, although the Federalists paved the way.

Yes, Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Republican Party, quickly took advantage of a public who distrusted Big Government to doom the Federalists. George Washington and John Adams--the first two Presidents of the United States--were "Federalists" (at least nominally). In fact, John Adams was accused--falsely--of being a "royalist" wanting either the return to Britain and kings or to remake the American system in the British image. Alexander Hamilton and the "high Federalists" so discredited the Federalists in the public mind that John Quincy Adams--the son of John Adams--was elected President AS A REPUBLICAN. The American people have NEVER liked the idea of an all powerful Federal Government, and they still don't. Jefferson, of course, professed to like the idea of a violent revolution every 20 years just to keep the government from getting arrogant. (One may doubt whether Jefferson really meant it, although he said it in all seriousness and wrongly supported the French Revolution long past the time its failure was obvious, but it would probably have been enough to get Jefferson "suspended" from Newsvine--putting me in good company.) Yes, the "Federalists" are the ones who first showed that leftists do not really believe in free speech by putting into Law the "historic" Alien and Sedition Acts.

As stated, Alexander Hamilton--the great villain of early American politics--was the real intellectual ancestor of the present Democratic Party. He wanted the all powerful Federal Government--preferably with himself as king or power behind the king. You will remember that Hamilton--having already mainly failed in his machinations to become the effective ruler of America--was killed in a duel with Aaron Burr. Since both Hamilton and Burr plotted to become king, this was one of those happy events in history where the American people could not lose. It sort of makes you wish for the return of dueling. Imagine a duel at high noon between Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi and Harry "Dirty Oil" Reid! CENSORED. Yes the follow up to this riff has been CENSORED by the Newsvine (MSNBC) "Code of Honor" self-censorship board (me). In future, you will probably be able to find the uncensored material on my Google blog. But this time I think it is obvious enough to leave for the reader as an exercise. Aaron Burr, by the way, TIED Jefferson, in the electoral college, for President of the United States. Only a few principled Federalists saved the country then in the 'historic" vote in the House of Representatives. Too bad there were not enough such Democrats in this "historic" health care vote.

Obama, Pelsoi and Reid are leading the Democratic Party off of a Cliff. That is no problem. Most Americans, including me, are going to have no sympathy for them. But will the COUNTRY survive (in recognizable form)? That is the worrisome question.

Democrats R.I.P. USA R.I.P.?

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