Thursday, March 11, 2010

Deadline on Deadlines? Can the Country Survive Any More "End Games"? Can the Country Survive This Many "End Games"?

Yes, another headline Wednesday from the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press"--story and headline repeated again on Yahoo "News"--BOYCOTT YAHOO) said that Obama was "pushing toward the end game on health care".

Problem: Drudge ( wnet back in time, and looked at when this kind of story first appeared. Drudge then did a TIMELINE of all of the times the Obama Administration and the mainstream media have said we are in the "end game" on health care, or said that there was a "deadline".

It turns out that this propaganda approach started last July 28 or so. And there were REPEATED stories about a new "deadline", or a new "end game", after that--MANY stories. Search Drudge for the Drudge "timeline".

Ridiculous, isn't it? How can these people (either the Democrats/Obama Administration or the mainstream media) keep ANY credibility after this kind of ridiculous propaganda> Well, they can't. They don't.

Now it is true that one of these times it MAY HAPPEN. The Health care bill may actually passed. Every threat, bribe and tactic is being used to make it happen. Still, it has been ridiculous.

What we need is a DEADLINE ON DEADLINES. Yes, if a deadline has not already been announced (March 18 is the last one announced), then there should be NO NEW DEADLINE. That really should have been true about last August.

Yogi Berra: It is not over until it is over." But it is past time for this farce to be OVER. See the previous article about what is happening while Obama's OBSESSION with health care is being pursued--pushing a bill whose main supposedly "beneficial" provisions will not even go into effect for FOUR YEARS.

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