Thursday, May 6, 2010

It appears that our government let the New York City bomber GET ON A PLANE. Nope. This has nothing to do with whether there was a real danger he would "get away". Airport security LET HIM ON A PLANE!!!!! That is nuts. What if he had a bomb?

My brother is till irritated that his young teen daughters were searched almost every time he brought them to Nashville (3 of them). That was because my brother always bought a one-way ticket, since he did not know when they wre going back (as if a smart terrorist--exclusively ISLAMIC in recent decades--would not buy a round trip ticket, knowing the "red flag" of a one-way ticket). Nobody looked LESS like a terrorist than my brother's slightly built, blondish teenage girls. But we engage in this INSANITY because we are "politically correct", and refused to concentrate our attention on the most likely real threats (Middle Eastern males, for one).

PLEASE tell me that this New York bomber was thoroughly SEARCHED at airport security!!!!! Is our corrupt mainstream media even interested? They are hardly interested that this is yt another Muslim extremist (from all indications), inspired by other Muslim extremists (even if nit the actual agent of an Islamic terrorist organization, which is still possible).

Nope. The Obama Administration can "spin" this all they want. They had no business letting this guy get on a plane. Are we so "politically correct' that we don't even "profile" as to BOMBING SUSPECTS? That I even ask this question shows how little confidence I have in the Obama Administration, and how much confidence I have in the corruption of our mainstream media (confidence that they are mainly interested in AGENDA, and in covering for the Obama Administration--not to mention an apparent policy of covering for extremist Islam).

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