Sunday, May 2, 2010

Some of you--fools that you are--may have doubted me as I have proven that there is no worse "news" organization in the universe (including known and unknown planets) than the despicable Associated Press--because it is impossible to be worse. Or some of you may have considered me harsh when I have suggested you BOYCOTT YAHOO. Consider these three headlines I encountered on Sunday when I logged on to AT&T (meaning I get the Yahoo News welcome page):

"NYPD: No evidence that Taliban linked to SUV" (AP)

This is what the despicable AP, and Yahoo News, regard as the most IMPORTANT "news" out of New York on that terrorist attack averted by LUCK. Isn't that one of you greatest worries? That the Taliban might be SLANDERED by an unjust accusation. Well, it IS one of the greatest worries of the anti-American mainstream media. Nope. I am not saing this should not be reported. As a HEADLINE, it is DISGRACEFUL. Meaningless, too. Note that the story does not prove there is no link with the Taliban. Remember the Ft. Hood initial mainstream media attempt to avoid a Muslim connection, only to have all of those embarrassing emails surface?

"Obama states that he will do everything "humanly possible" on spill>" (AP)

Again.A HEADLINE? Can you imagine the mainstream media trying to COVER President Bush with this kind of headline on Katrina, where the Federal Government did NOT have primary "first response" responsibility, which it DOES have on the oil spill? Aren't you comforted that it took Obama TEN DAYS to SAY he will do everything "humanly possible"?

"Arizona''s largest newspaper says Pols failed on immigration." (AP)

This last is the WORST of a bad lot, and again proves the despicable AP to be a TOTALLY CORRUPT organization, from the janitors up to every single "journalist". Only EVIL, lying people work for the despicable Associated Press.

First, note the "journalistic" INCOMPETENCE. You don't even find out the NAME of the newspaper from the despicable AP in the headline, or in the first paragraph or two. I never even got to the name, because I never not past the first two paragraphs. I ASSUME we are talking about the Arizona Republic here--a LEFTIST newspaper (as are most mainstream newspapers, if only because they rely on the despicable AP for a good number of their stories--but usually because they also want to be).

Yes, this is INCEST. This "largest newspaper" (an attempt at propaganda in itself) is probably PART of the Associated Press, in the sense of being associated with it. It has the same AGENDA as the despicable AP. Yet, the AP is trying to BOOTSTRAP the opinion of a mainstream media outlet to bolster the mainstream media AGENDA on the new Arizona law. The second paragraph of the AP story refers to the supposed boycott of Arizona, being pushed by the mainstream media. What if an Arizona newspaper did a front page editorial SUPPORTING the Arizona law? There is no chance the AP would do this kind of story. CORRUPT. That is the despicable AP. CORRUPT to its core.

Bottom line. BOYCOTT the Arizona Republic--whether you live in Arizona or elsewhere. BOYCOTT Yahoo News. BOYCOTT any "news" outlet that relies upon the despicable AP. The above "news" headlines are NOT "news". They are CORRUPT propaganda.

When is the last time you saw a mere newspaper editorial bootstrapped into national "news"? Nope. The AP is totally corrupt. But it is ironic that one of the main targets of the AP CORRUPTION was former media darling John McCain. Now you could say this is a deep plot to get McCain elected, since NO ONE likes or trusts "journalists" today. But that would be giving the despicable AP too much credit. The AP thinks it is atttacking REPUBLICANS--not realizing that people like me AGREE that McCain has FAILED on immigration as badly as a stupid politician has failed. However, this is not because we agree with the AP, or the Arizona Republic. What we agree with is that the McCain-Kennedy "comprehensive" immigration approach was always a FAILURE, and a stupidity. Yes, I continue to advise you to vote AGAINST McCain in Arizona, even if it means joining the Devil (the despicable AP).

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