Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Obama Urges Repeal of Health Care Bill Because of Congressional Fraud

What? You say the headline is wrong? You say that Obama did NOT urge repeal of the health care bill, and starting over with a new bill, because Congress passed the bill under false pretenses?

Well, okay. But the CBO--upon which Democrats placed such emphasis, while making it impossible for the CBO to really evaluate the bill--put out revised numbers saying the health care billl will cost over 1 TRILLION dollars, and not reduce the federal deficit. This made Obama, and the Democrats in Congress, liars. The CBO said that spending measures in the health care bill which tahe CBO had not previously had time to evaluate--Republicans having asked for a delay for this very reason--will add $115 billion dollars to the bill's costs over the next 10 years. This is only the last of a series of government announcements since the bill passed indicating the bill was passed under false pretenses. For example, the chief Medicare actuary, in a report suppressed until after passage of the bill, said that health care costs will INCREASE after the bill is implemented, and Medicare premiums rise. This is in addition to the Medicare actuary saying that Medicare Advantage premiums will rise, and that medical care will likely be LESS available to seniors. Then there are several reports that health insurance premiums will RISE--especially for younger people and the middle class.

What was the Obama response to today's further evidence that Congress DEFRAUDED the American people? Well, the Obama spokesman--I believe the budget director--said that Obama considered this unacceptable. You can see why I thought that this meant Obama--clearly throwing Democrats in Congress under the bus in the 2010 elections--was calling for REPEAL of the law. After all, rescission is the usual remedy for fraud in the inducement which causes people to buy into something they would otherwise not have bought into. Why should people vote for ANY Democrat in 2010 who remains a party to this fraud?

It turns out, however, that Obama is NOT calling for repeal. Instead, Obama is saying that he will VETO any such "discretionary" spending by Congress, since it would violate(lol) Obama's "freeze" on discretionary spending. Well, not so fast. Obama's position evidently is that this will be true UNLESS Congress's games the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) AGAIN, and comes up with $115 billion somewhere else to "apy for" (lol) the additional spending. Obama is taking this position even though the spending is already authorized and directed in the health care bill that Obama signed--the CBO number being the cost of the bill (not the cost of proposals not in the bill.

"Skip", I am being told by some of you leftists, "you just don't understand the genius of Obama. He got the health care bill passed by giving those "Blue Dog" Democrats cover to vote for the bill. Obama did not, and does not, care about these numbers. In fact, no one believes that anyone knows how much this health care bill will really cost. And no one believes those Medicare "savings" that are supposed to help "pay for" (lol again) the bill. But the American people have stopped paying attention. Now Obama is simply using another brilliant SCAM *(emphasis added) to provide cover for himself and Democrats. He knows the mainstream media will never really hold him to account for theses things, or examine whether Congress is being honest about "paying for" the additional spending."

All right. I understand now. Thanks. Where I disagree is the idea that the American people are this DUMB--or so forgetful and easily fooled. Abraham Lincoln would have to be wrong, and the evidence is that the American people are fully aware of the scams involved with this health care bill.

My question is: Will there be ANY Democrats be left in the House of Representatives, except in uncontested seats? Obama himself is telling the American people that the Democrats in Congress have utter contempt for them, and for honesty in legislation.

P.S. Yes, Obama has given Republicans a blueprint for how to STOP the health care bill from being implemented. Obama obviously does not regard Congress as bound by the provisions of the health care bill, in terms of forcing Congress to fund them. Republicans, with this example (unless they are wimps), should DEFUND all of the provisions of the bill. If Congress refuses to fund the bill, it does not matter if Obama would veto repeal. If Republicans, by the way, do not insist on repeal and totally starting over, the Republican Party is DEAD. People want principle now, and not games. Repeal is the only game in town for a principled party, and betrayal on this one is something most conservatives will not forgive.

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