Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This sounds like a joke. It IS a joke to sane people. However, the story is evidently real, from the Navy Times.

It is evidently a real proposal "inspired" by Obama (see Obama's comments meeting with the Afghanistan leader the Obama Administration was trashing for months)--comments about how our soldiers are often risking their own life restraining themselves to save civilians).

Yes, this is still only a proposal. The idea is that a "medal for courageous restraint" would be given for holding fire because of civilian danger--at risk to the soldier doing so. Obviously, the medal would ordinarily be given posthumously (my take--not in the Navy Times).

You can see why I call Obama a comic genius--inspiring other comic geniuses. You will note that Obama says SOLDIERS are this stupid, instead of being required to be this stupid by Rules of Engagement basically required by the Obama Administration.

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