Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Anderson Cooper and Michele Bachmann: Liar and Dishonest Political Hack on The Gay Network (keeping Him Honet)

It is too big a job to "keep Anderson Cooper honet". He is the mot blatant SANCTIMONIOUS liear on televison--not necessarily the worst liear, but the most sanctimonious of the consistent liars.

Yep. This article is really an extention of the previous one. We have the realy improtant debt ceiling talks.. Europe seems again on the point of financial collapse. The "Fast and Furious" scanda is getting worse and wrose, as the Obama administatin seems to have acted as gunrunners to the Mexican drug cartels. States are in trouble. Candiates, including Michele Bachmann, are out there talking aoubt serious issues like the economy, jobs, debt, spending, and the deficits. What is CNN, The Gay Network, concentratig on? Right. CN is not correctly known as The Gay Network because the people on CNN are necessarily gay. It is because CNN transparently regards gay activism as THE most important issue facing this country today.

I kid you not. Thre was an ORCHESTRATED campaign all day on CNN devoted to ATTTACKING Michele Bachmann on her view on homosexuality. Noope. Bachmann has NOT made her views on homosexuality a main point of her Presidential campaign, although she has hardly concealed them. This is a CNN OBSESSION--not a Michele Bachmann obsession. CNN, of curse, is not interested in Palanned Parenthood encouraging racism or statutory rape. They are not interested in those border patrol agents being killed with guns WE put in the hands of the drug cartels. They are not interested in MUSLIM EXTREMISTS (except to defend them). All CNN is interested in is attacking Michele Bachmann. As a "hook"--inadequate justificaton--CNN attacked her SPOUSE. And what horrible thing did Michele Bachmann's husband do, besides helping her raise their five children and those 23 foster children?

This is where the Anderson Cooper LIE comoes in, from the most sanctimonious liar on televison. Michele Bachmann's husband runs their Christian counseling business. By all accounts, this is a pretty successful business, but CNN is not interested in an ojective overview of the business--although the ANTI-CHRISTIAN CNN might yet get arond to attacking the business on some sort of religous basis. But CNN--more lprobably some gay activist group providing the person to CNN, and maybe part of a "setup" like the kind CNN regularly condemns when done by conservative activists--was interested in digging up "dirt" on the business being run by Michele Bachmann's husband. They should be embarrassed that they found so LITTLE. Yes, they came up with this homosexual who calims that a counselor at the Bachmann counseling business advised that this homosexual--voluntarily coming for help--should go through "crative" therapy. Is this IllegaL? Not so. Is it immoraral? Not that I can tell. Does it conflict with the preent "consensus" of mental health "professionals"? Of course, These are mainly LEFTISTS. Gay activism is a religion for them. I have no opinion on whether a person can be "crued" of "homosexuality". But see my previus article abuot how, for MANY people, hoosexual conduct is clearly a CHOCIE. Why should someone wrestling with his or her sexual identity and choices not seek help? Not receive help? I see no reason why not. And what kind of "help' do you expect if you go to a Christian counseling business? A non-story. It is not even like this is the main focus of the Bchmann business. CNN is producing ONE person (that I saw). Who even knows whether that person is telling the truth. I did not stay around to see if there were a video or audio tape, but I got the impression there was not. This is a HIT piece, pure an dsimple keyed to the CNN OBSESSION (and to the Disonest Jack Cafferty idea that Bachmann can be made too look "extreme" by associating her with what CNN thinks epole look down on as the "religious right").

Enter Anderson Cooper, pathological and sanctimonious liar. He opened his show Tuesday night--the culminatin of this day long attack on Michele Bachmann--by saying that Michele Bachmann's views on homosexuality are irrelevant. This was after showing maybe FIVE clips of Bachmann saying things--out of context, over many YEARS--about homosexuality. Nothing terrible. But we know Bachmann is never gong to be the favorite candidate of gay activists. The first LIE is the impression that Bachmann is keyying her campaign on homosexuality. I guarantee you that is not true. You would expect lher to mentin the subject fromtime to time, if noly because she is asked about it. And she might well be expectred to mention it to Chrisitan grups in Iowa. But the Blachmann campaign has been--according to her--focused on the economy and jobs. Since those are expected to be the main issues in this Presidential election, I see not reason to disbelieve her. It is CNN who believes that the most ilmportant Bachmann positions are on homosexual issues. That is fundamental LIE no. 1: that Michele Bachmann is obsessed with homosexuality, when it is CNN that is so obsessed.

But if Cooper is not talking aobut the SUBSTANCE of Bachmann's views on homosexuality, what is the purpose of his hit piece? Ah. The Big Lie. The Orwellian Big Lie from the most blatantly sanctimonous liar on television. Andeson Cooper: "This is not about Bachmann's position on homosexuality. But she has made a point out of being a participant in her husband's business. And he was asked about whether the couneseling business does "repair" therapy (editorial cojment: or whatever term Cooper used) to change homosexuals straight. He denied it. But we have a patient who says that is not ture. That is what this is about: keeping him honest."

Anderson: YOU LIE. Uriah Heep was not as despicable a sanctimonous liar as you are. In actual fact, ALL you and CNN are interested in are Michele Bachmann's vveiws on homosexuality. More accurately, all you are intereseted in is DERAILING her campaign by focusing entirely upon homosexuality. Look at what you are asking us to believe, Anderson!!! You are askng us to believe that it MTTERS whetehr Bachmann's SPOUSE told the absolute truth about what his counselors may do if confronted with one of the FEW homosexuals that may seek help from that business. There was not even a CNN allegation that the main business was "converting" homosexuals. (Nope. I still see nothing whatver wrong with "converting" homosexuals seeking help, if the counselor believes it can be done and the patient is willing to do it.)

No, Anderson. What you have done is DISHONEST and desicable. You, and CNN, have deliberately set out to dig up DIRT on the SPOUSE of a candidate. You may remember that Republicans were criticized for that with regard to Geraldine Ferraro. Then you ACCEPT, without challenge, the idea that the spouse is lying because you accpet the WORD of a homosexual who may have an ax to grind. How would you know, since you were only interested in the ATTACk on Bachmann? Then you implicitly assert that it is RELEVANT whether Bachmann's spouse tells lthe exact truth, as if he were the candidate. Hogwash.

Have I made myself crystgal clear, Andeson? I am accusing you of being one of the worst liars around, and THE most sanctimonious. It is absurd that you did this big segment on Bachmann and homosexuality in order to accuse her HUSBAND of an alleged minor untruth. Casey Anthony had a better story, Come to thiink of it, Casey Anthony was a more palusible liar than you are, Anderson. This is all an EXCUSE to try to sabotage Bachmann's campaign by focusing on homosexuality. I am 100% certain I am right about this, Anderson, beyond a reasonable doubt.

Message to Michele Bachmann: If you go on CNN any morfe, I will lose respect for you. TGhese people are out to GET you, and they don't care how they do it. Excpect amubsh interviews--SEXISM from The Sexist Network--of your husband. Expect further attacks on your husband. Expect CNN to continue to try to margianize you with CNN'S OBSESSION--because they think that turns off people even though TEHY (CNN) are dong it.

Have I given you a picture of the utter CONTEMPT I hold for Anderson Cooper? I don't think I have. Words are not adequate.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). As I am tired, this may be bad. You will just hve to live with it, as I have to live with CNN and Anderson Cooper existing in the world.

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