Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Illegal Immigration: The Comprehensive Scam

See my previoius article, about the SCAM of a "comprehensive deal" on our defict and debt problem--a scam that is on the verge of destroying the Republican Party. The very SAME scam is used by Obama, Democrats and establishment Repubicans on illegal immigation.

What is the purpose of the "comprehensive bill" on immigratin that President Obama keeeps calling for, as was the puroose of the "comprehensive health care plan", the "comprehesinve financial overhaul", and the "comprehensive ... (fill in the blank)". The main purpose is to DECEIVE, by people (politicians) withut courage and withut honor. The idea is to avoid defending, or even letting people know abut, specific provisions of a massive Christmas tree bill that tries to give "everybody" something, while costing the nation everything. That is especailly true on illegal immigration, but it is true of every one of these "comoprehensive" bills, to one degree or another. ObamaCare, with its corrupt "hore trading" and multiple deceptions ("we have to pass it to know what is in it") is the poster child for this desgraceful tactic.

You should automatically vote AGAINST any politican in Washington who even utters (in a positive way) the word "comprehensive", or any similar word or term. Yes, this means you shold automatically vote AGAINST Barack Obama, the master of this tactic. The problem, of course, is that this does not mean you can automatically vote for REPUBLICANS. For example (see previous article again), you should automatically vote against Tom Coburn, and you may end up having to vote against most of the Repuublican Party. Who does that leave? That is the problem.

Do you doubt that the whole concept of 'comprehensive immigration reform" is merly a COVER for one type of amnesty or another? For one type of "open borders" encouragement of illegal immigration or another? If you don't understand that, you are a FOOL (or dishonest, like th epeople who push thee "comprehensive" plans to deceive).

Nope. I will oppose AnYONE who wants "comprehensive immigratin reform"--Republican or Democrat. And I am right to do so, even if I were wrong about my position on individual parts of the proposed "reform". These shold be SEPARATE bills. For example:

1. National ID card? Separate bill.

2. Secure the border? Separate bill.

3. Amnesty or limits on deportation lol)? Separate bill.

4. Employer sanctioins, incluidng REQUIRING emplyers to verify Social Security numbers when our computers find a discrepancy (as our computers already do, with notification letters, but with NO requirement that employers take actiion).? Separte bill, placing substantial fines on employers who do not act on a letter notifying of a discrepancy in Social Security number by invetigating the deiscrepanc and verifying the number is not a fraud.

5. You get the idea.

Republicans, of course, should be PUSHING individual bills, and criticizing the entire idea of "comprehensive reform". That they are not is another STRIKE against the Republican Party, which has already haad about 5 strikes. It is about time to tive the "OUT" call.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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