Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Global Warming: Burn Cheap Coal and Save the World

The world has not warmed since 1998. No, it is not good enough to say that the last decade stayed at a pretty warm plateau. The "theory" (more a vauge hypotheses than a real "theory") of "global warming" postulates a constant RISE of temperatures, since CO2 levels have continued to rise. That is supposed to mean HIGHTER temperatures--not a plateau for more than a decade. By the way, it never has "warmed" in the United States. 1934 and 006 are tied for the "warmest" years on record, and the United States has COOLED (average temperatures) since 2006. It seems certain that 2011 will continue that trend, despite recent warm temperatures. The United States has COOLED, in other words, since 2934.

The world is no longer warming, even though CO2 levels have increased. How do "globla warming" fanatics explain that? Gernerally they don't even try, since they are involved in religioni and not science. "Science" reequires a "theory" to PREDICT. The "theory" of global warming has never shown the ability to predict anything. But we finally have an explanatioin for why predictons of continual warming have proven false.

Yes, there was a study done, and reported today by the French News Agency. A cop-author of that study was Micheal Mann. Mann happens to be one of the founding fathers of "global warming"--the originator of the DISCREDITAED "hockey stick" graph purporting to show a recent upward curve in temperatures (like a hockey stick lyinb so the blade curves up). You will remember that Mann was involved in the East Anglia FRAUD---those emails brought into the light of day showing problems with "global warming" data which had been COVERED UP. Well, Mann now thinks he can "explain" the fact that the Earth is no longe warming: COAL.

I kid you not. This study purports to dhow that it is SULPHUR admissions from high sulphur coal being burned in China that is COOLING the Earth--offsetting the effet of greenhouse hases. Meanwhile, of course, the Obama Administration is RUINING the coal industry (ask West Virginia) in the name of "global warming".

Now sulpuhur is a real pollutant, unlike CO2 (which we, and every air breathing animal on this Earth, EXHALE). However, if Al Gore is correct that we have to stop, and even reverse, "global warming" caued by man-made greenhouse gases, then we arfe obviously going to have to acccept the health problem of sulphur emissions (or at least China will have to take the hit for us all, as China is making it impossible to halt the increase in CO2 admissions, no matter what we do).

Al Gore says this is a "spiritual issue" (the prospective doom of the Earth becaus of "global warming"). Under those circumstances, I see no choice. We--or we can let China and other "emerging" economic powers do it--MUST burn high sulphur coal in order to SAVE THE WORLD. The Obama EPA needs to reverse course and encourage coal plants. It is Obama's duty to the WORLD. As a "citizen of the world", he has no choice.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checing (bad eyesight).

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