Thursday, July 7, 2011

President Obama: Hispanics/Latinos as Illegal Immigrants and Murderers

We know that President Obama is now running hard for reelection. That is motivating very single thing he does. It still puzzles me why Obama, Democrats and the mainstream media evidently believe that Hispanics will vote for Obama (not to mention other Democrats) because Obama a and Democrats keep associateing Hispanics with illegal immigrants. Do Obama, and other Democrats, really believe they are doing Hispanics a FAVOR by suggeting that the main "issue" in which Hispanics are interested is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? I am insulted on behalf of my Hispanic daughters and ex-wife at that. Who is it that keeps associating every Hispanic with people so poor and desperate that they are willing to risk death (often) to come into this country illegally (defining all Hsipanics, really, including my daughters,, their mother, their uncles, etc. as "wetbacks"--or as people who are part of a culture of "wetbacks").

Surely it could not gt worse? Surely President Obama could not insult Hispanics worse? Yes, he can. Don't underestimate the man. Now President Obama is suggesting that Hispanics (especially Mexican-Americans) are more intrested in MURDERERS than they are in jobs and the U.S. enconmy (not to mention the myriad of other issues that concern citizens of the United States in general). Yes, Texas is planning to execute a murderer who raped and murdre a 16 year old girl (tossed off by the mainstream media/AP in its stories about this matter like the two year old Anthony girl was thrown into the garbage). Yes, People in Texas aer SANE (Hispanics and non-Hispanics, so long as you stay away form the leftist activists).

Yes, President Obama is trying to intervene on behalf of this Meixican national--on behalf of this murderer--because of protests against the execution by MEXICO. Now this rape and murder occurred in 1994. Needless to say, this murderer has received more due process than any ten people. The shame here--and indictment of our justice system and the Federal courts--is that we can't execute this kid of scum in less than 17 years after the murder. That is why the stated "reason" for the "White House request for delay" is so absurd: "so that this case can be reviewed thoroughly". But this kind of dishonesty is standard for fanatic death penalty oponents, and it is also standard for the Obama White House. The wole attack on the death penalty is an attempt to undermine the law, and democracy, by a dishonest war of attriton.

But WHY does Mexico want to associate itself with a despicable rapist and murderer? Come on. You know this one. POLITICS in Mexico--as in most places in the world--makes it desirable for Mexcian politicins to criticize the United States. Further, death penalty opponets USE this kind of thing to push their "cause". But WHY does President Obama want to associate Hispanics with a despicable murderer? Can he really believe that Mexican-Americans are so identified with Mexico that they want the American President to intervene on behalf of a Meixan MURDERER because Mexico wants to intervene in the Texas justice system? Hard to believe, but I think that is it.

Yes, President Obama does believe that Latinos,/Hispanics/Mexican-Americans have so bought into the Obama/Democrat view of "group politics" ("racial politics", even though Hspanics are Cucasian--white) that they are more apt to vote for a President who associates them with a vicious rapist and murderer. I think better of Hsipanics than President Obama. Now you can say I am biased, because of my Hispanic duaghters, but it seems to me that I stand with the majority here. I don't believe that most Hsipanics want to be identified with an murderer, or want to see him get special treatment just because he is a Mexican national.

Yes, there is another factor at play here, besides the perverse catering of Obama to the Hsipanic vote--his insulting idea of the Hispanic vote--and to Mexico. Does Obama really believe in the death penalty? Not a chance. But Obama--dishonest leftist and killer of Osama bin Laden that he is--will never say so. What Obama ants, and what the left wants--is to get the CURTS to do their dirty work for them Even if the courts refuse to undermine our democracy and outlaw the death penalty althogehter, Obama and other death penalty opponents want to make it so HARSD to apply the death penalty that no one ever gets executed. DELAY, DELAY and DLEAY. Tht is why the Ap story described the "White House request" as a requesdt for a "delay so that this case can be thoroughly reviewed" (after some 17 years--lol). The whole idea is simply to delay until the execution never take place--until epoile get tired or some death penalty opponent politician or judge finally intervenes to end the interminable process by commuting the sentence.

As this blog has stated, the mainstreammedia and Obama operatives seem determined to push Rick Perry into the Presidency. Assuming Perry does not do something stupid here, look how GOOD Perry looks as the governor of Texas merely trying to execute a viciouis rapiist and murderer according to Texas law. Look how BAD Obama looks associating Hipanics and Mexioc with a vicious murderer.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight).

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