Thursday, July 14, 2011

Anderson Cooper: Sanctimonious Liar on The Liar Network (Homosexual Follow Up on Bachman's Spouse--lol)

See the article a few days ago on CNN's orcehstrated campaign to help "gay activists" destroy Michele Bachmann. Although I suspected it at the time, CNN (The Liar Network) made no effort to make clear that it was "reporting" on a GAY ACTIVIST attack oin Michele Bachmann and her husband, totaly aimed at the GAY ACTIVIST agenda. Yes, CNN has earned its other nickname of: The Gay Network.

Yes, in my previous article this week on Anderson Cooper as sanctimonious, partisan liear, I noted that Anderson Cooper gave the impression that he was "reporting" on a good faith patient who went to the Bachmann Christian counseling business for HELP. CNN, of course (hypocrites that they are) has previouosly CONDMNED "dishoenst" "unvercover" videos on the conservative side. CNN has essentially refused to sreport on undercover videos on ACORN, Planned Parenthood, and NPR (among others). Cnn (the worst hypocrites to ever walk the Earth, on two legs or four) has said that peple shold not lie to obtain vidoes to support their agenda. Well, Anderson Cooper is the worst sanctimonius LIAR on the plantet today. Yep. He attempted to give the impression that some poor "victim" patient had been trying to get help at Bachmann's Christian conseling business, as a homosexual. The reason it was obhvius to me, and every thinking person besides Cooper, that this was an attack based on the GAY AGENDA is that the "patient' specifically pushed the counselor to say whether Chistian counseling could help a homsosexual become straight. (And noo, I don't care if CNN or Anderson Cooper--seomewhere in their coverage--indicated that this attack had originated with a gay activist organization. I refuse to stay with CNN to look at all of the details of their coverage. I sawthe way this story was set up, and there was NO indication is was a deliberate gay activist attack on Bachmann. That is a LIE. Anderson Cooper is a LIAR of the very worst, mot sanctimoniuous kind (keeping him honest).

Yept. It turns out that this undercover viedo, producing this NON-STORY that liar Anderston Cooper said was a "story" only because Michele Bachmann's SPOUSE had denied it (lol--Anderson, llyou LIE, and don't even lie well, as Casey Anthony is better although no more pathological). A gay activist group, with "truth" in its name, sent a person into the Bachmann Christian counseling business to see if they could get a counselor to say that homosexuals could be helped to "go straight" by Christian counseling. Now CNN is not interested if Planned Parenthood has VIOLATED the law. Ditto on ACORN. CNN is uninterested in an undercover video that NPR--which receives public funding--is openly seeking funds from the most despicable people a person could make up, admitting a leftist agenda on the part of NR. Nope. What CNN is interested in is an undercover video showing that a CHRISTIAN might actually think Christian counseling wold help a homosexual. SHOCKING (my old sarcasm diseas). I repeat; Anderson Cooper, youi may be the worst, most sanctimonious liar EVER to exist on this Earth. Again, I include Casey Anthony in the coomparison.

Yes, it is one of those "gay activist" RELIGIOUS principles that there is something wrong with trying to "change" a homosexual into a heterosexual. See my previous article this week on CNN's Diehonest Jack Cafferty. History shows us that it is an absolute FACT that many people--maybe most--who commit homosexual conduct do so by CHOCIE. The assertioin otherwise is simply a lie. Marc Antony, for example, could clearly have used some Christian counsleing. Antony had HAEMS of both girs and boys, in adddtition to his alliance with Cleopatra (which was the end of both him and Cleopatra). Let me be as blunt as I can: You are NOT a Christian if you believe there are no circumstances under which Chritian counseleing could help a sexually confused person "convert" to a healthy Christian lifestyle. You already know, of course--because both Bill Maher and I have told you so--that Barack Obama is NOT a Christinn. As agnostics (although Maher is more of an intolerant ateist, like all of CNN), Bill Maher and I both know Christiansand how true believers really think. The difference is that Maher, and CNN, despise people who really BELIEVE in the Christian religion, while I do not. Let me be blunt again: Do you believe that God CANNOT change a homosexual into a heterosexual? You do believe that? Then you are not a Christian, are you?

The pont of the above paragrap is that is that there is NOTHING WRONG with with believing that Christian faith can work miracles. What Anderson Cooper (liar that he is) and the gay activist group involved in this are rally trying to say is this: You SHOULD NOT try to influence people not to engage in homosecual conduct, because there is nthing wrong with homosexual conduct. In fact, we shold accept ho mosexual conduct as normal and acceptable, which means we should respect an 'choice' to engage in this condcut." (By the way, it does not make a liar out of Bachmann's spourse--irrelevant as that is and SEXIST as it is to try to make Bachmann responsible for everythiing her spouse says-to equate a counselor suggesting that Christian counseling could help with the ALLEGED practive of "forcing' homosexual adolescents into very uncomfortable "aversion therapy). Have I told you that Anderson Cooper is a liar? I know I ha ve.

YHes, I have heard HOMOSEXUALS say this: "Do you think anyone woould choose this way of life if they had a chocie?". Well, that is news to history, and to leftist gods like Kinsey (who not only believved EVERY person had the capacity to embrace both homosexual and heterosexual sex, but put this into pracice in his own life--at least according to the movie). Indeed, even when I wa growing up in a more conservative time, it was a very prevalent theory that almost ALL heterosexuals have homosexual urges some time in their life. Let me again be as blunt as I can; Gay activists LIE when they say that homosexual conduct is not a matter of choice, and that they do not advocate that choice ofr peopople who are not born homosexual . That is simply not true. Bay activists want homosexual conduct ACCEPTED, and the idea that they do not want peoplle to have the idea that "experimentation" with homosexual conduct--like Kinsy--is a good thing: that is a LIE. In other words, the whole goal of gay activists is to equate homosexual conduct and heterosexual condcut as equally acceptable. If they are equally acceptable, then it follows that a CHOICE to engage in homosexual conduct is perfectly acceptable, and something that it is acceptable to encourage on the same baseis as you might encourage heterosexual sex. It is to fruther this LIE that homosexuals push the other LIE that peoiple do not have a choic, when that is clearly untrue (if not for all, then for many). You may rememer Anne Heche, who was a homosexual, until she ws not.

Okay. CNN is a network based on DECIET. Anderson Cooper is a man of DECEIT. The gay acitivst movement is based on dECEIT, in the snense that there is not way gay activists want to discuss the real issues here. They want to AVOID them, whil passing laws (Califronia) hat history classes highlight the "contributions" of gays in history (while our histoyr classes pretty much ignore Washington, Adams and Jefferson, except to note that Wasington and Jefferson were slave owners). "But Skip, just because there are a lot of lies and deceit going on here, for propaganda purposes, does not mean you can "cure' peole who have decided they are homosexual. It does not even mean you should, if you can."

That last statement is true. It remains true, however, that the real gay activist position is that you SHOULD NOT change homosexual ly inclined people into heterossexuals, even if you can. Any assertioin to the contrary, as on CNN, is a LIE. Knowing that decepton for what it is, however, does not tell us whether we should treat homosexual conduct as just as acceptable as heterosexual conduct. In law school--yes, 40 years ago at the University of Tesas School of Law--I had a law sutdent roommate who argued with me on this. I said, correctly that the only way that homosexual conduct would be fully accepted on the same basis as heterosexual conduct was if about 50% of the people engaged in each, and that I thought that would be a very undesirable world in which to live. My leftist roommate had no problem with that idea, even though he was aggressively homoseuxal (asknig me--ME, the fool--if I haD any advice for him as to what to do about his girlfriend back ome when the only attraction was SEX). Still, my roommate had no problem with a world--which gay activists would like to see, as I knew way back then--in which homosexcual conduct is just as common and accepted as heterosexual conduct (with nobody, by the way, limiting their conduct to marriage). One of us--my roommate or I--was (is?) crazy.

You should be able to see where this is going. Do Anderson Cooper, Dishonest Jack Cafferty and CNN KNOW that NO person fonfused about his or her sexual identity can be helped by Christian counseling? Does CNN KNOW--as Bill Maher would assert he does--that God has no power to help confused people see the correct heterosexual path? That is absurd. Of course the people of CNN, and gay activists, cannot KNOW that!!!!! But CNN is fully committed to the LEFTIST religion. NN, as this blog has previiously p;roven, is ANTI-CHRISTIAN. Further, the people of CNN, including Anderson Cooper, blatantly LIE about whoat they are doing. Here, in the case of this undecover vide,, CNN was merely pushing the gay activist agenda, while concealing that they are doing that. Anderson Cooper is a sanctimonious liear. I still can't bet over him--outrageous liar that he is--saying that he would not be showing this story except to keep Michele Bachmann's husband honest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who is it that keeps liar Anderson Cooper honest? Lucky you knows that. It is ME.

I repeat: There was nothing rong with a Christian counselor saying, and believing, that aChristian counseling and faith can help even homosexuals. Nope. There is nothing wrong with suggestng that such help may even include helpng them "go straight". Again, if you do not believe that God COULD do that--leaving aside the question of whehter He would feel he should--then you are NOT A CHRISTIAN. You can, of coure, be comforted that you join Barack Obama and ME--not to mentin Bill Maher--i that position. Have you people who PRETEND to be Christian out there ever heard of MIRACLES> Now there is a fine line here. I would not--even as a Christian counselor--GUARANTEE a homosexual that he will be "cured". That seems to me to be underseeling the difficulties. But I am not a Christian. Are there Christians out there who blieve that all a homoseuxal has to do is fully accept Gos, and he will be "cured"? I would be disappointed if there were not. And if you believe that Christian counseling CANNOT--leaving aside, again, the quetion of whether it should--help a homosexual deal with his sexul identity, in one way or another, then you are not a Christian.

This blog tells lthe truth. If that is uncomfortable for you, then I am sorry. This blog will continue to tell the truth. One of those truths is that Andrson Cooper is a sanctimonius liar, on The Liar Network. Another truth is that that network, CNN, is ANTI-CHRISTIAN at its core, earing the other nickname of The Bigoted Network. Yes, that is particularly true if you are a Christian who really believes in his or her religion, instead of regarding it as a social club that goes along with whatever leftist thought is now in vogue.

P.S. No proofreading or spell checking (bad eyesight). Is my bad eyesight (macular degeneration of an untreatable kind) God's punishment? Reading was one of my great pleasures (remember that old Twilight Zone episode?). Audiobooks are not quite the same. I doubt it, and not just because I am an agnostic. I doubt a Christian God is quite that petty. Further, Bill Maher seems to be dong fairly well, even if he is a bittter man who seems to get no joy out of life. I ask you. If lyou had the choice of punishing Bill Maher or me, not to mentin Anderson Cooper or Jack Cafferty, would you choose ME?...........................Wait a second. I take this back. Do NOT answer this question. I don't want to know.

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