Friday, May 22, 2009

GITMO and John McCain: Democrat Hypocrites and Republican Saboteur (Powerline Blog Proven Wrong Again)

I keep getting proved right. I explained to you less than a week ago that Powerline blog (or at least one of the main guys of that blog, appearing on radio in that capacity) was WRONG when it suggested that John McCain was the "best" candidate that the Republican Party could put up against Barack Obamaa. The case for that is so weak as to call into question the powers of analysis of anyone still trying to make that case. I gfave a detailed analysis of why John McCain was NOT the Republican with the best chance to defeat President Obama, although I admitted it was pretty much nothing but speculaion as to how Mitt Romney (the only logical alternative) would have done. My main point, however, was that John McCain was a disaster for the Republican Party because--win or lose--he did not set up the "debate" in the country in such a way as to give Republicans a head start on making their case against President Obama and Nancy "Total Failure" Pelosi. Even if McCain had won (no chance, while Mitt Romney had a chance), a case had to be made against the Democratic Congress.

Yes, the Guantanamo dust up illustrates my point. In my previous blog entry, I correctly pointed out that standing FOR CIA (and other preople trying, in good faith, to protect this country), and AGAINST terrorists, was a WINNING issue for John McCain (or any Repblican). But John McCain resed to make it. Instead, he was almost on the other side (not quite, but almost, and he certainly said "me too" to Obama too much to make an issue out of any subtle difference between his position and Obama's).

The related issue of closing Guantanamo, and transferring detained terrorists to the U.S. for trial and --perhaps--imprisonment was another WINNING issue for McCain (or any Republican. Oops! McCain was strongly FOR closing Guantanamo as a terrorist detention facility.

How can you doubt me on this bafter last week. The Senate voted 90-6 against transferring terrorists from Guantanamo to the U.S. Democrats made SPEECHES about the DANGERS of that course of action. President Obama had to make a DEFENSIVE speech supporting his own actions and proposals--a not very convincing speech.

This shows much more than that Democrats in Congress are hypocrites, liars and political opportunists. It shows that Democrats perceived that the American people have no patience for this idea (insane idea) of treating terrorists as American criminals. Yes, the American people are right on tis--for many reasons. The thought of terrorists mingling with American criminals, with the opportunity to RECRUIT, is terrifying in itself. And it they are going to be kept segregated, how is it different from Guantanmo (which is already there, and where the segregation is automatic).

Nope. John McCain threw away a WINNING issue, and did much to undermine Republicans taking full advantage of the issue now. Indeed, as stated, McCain pretty much threw away the WINNING general argument that President Obama, and the Democrats, were more worried about the "rights" of terrorists than about the CIA personnel who acted--after 9/11--to protect this country. McCain had too much "integrity" than to raise that issue--thereby selling out the people who had acted to protect this country (not to mention selling out this country, in a significant way).

Q.E.D. Powerline blog was WRONG. John McCain was the WORST candidate the Republicans could have run, and the damage he did continues to undermine the Republican Party.

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