Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Michael Savage: "1984" Syle "Enemy of the State" (Whatever Leftist State) in the Age of Obama

This blog established long ago that leftists do not really believe in free speech, except for leftists. Therefore, I will merely note that leftists have proven this again with Michael Savage, without belaboring the point much.

In case you had not heard, Michael Savage has been "banned" from the U.K. (Britain) because of his "extremist" views. Savage is (rightly) calling for a boycott of travel to Britain for this flagrant violation of the principle of free speech. And it is clear Britain is as leftist as they come, and merely doing what leftists here would do if they had the opportunity.

I have criticized Michael Savage myself for lack of perspective and rational thought. It should tell you something that I have called Andrea Mitchell a whore (entry entitled: "Andrea Mitchell is a whore"). If even I think Savage is too "extreme", you can probably assume he is. The difference is that my whole entry made a clear exactly what I meant by calling Andrea Mitchell a whore (obviously not that she is actually a prostitute), while Michael Savage makes to many irrational attacks--seemingly with personal hatred. Doesn't matter. Unless you are a leftist, Savage is entitled to free speech in a free society.

To leftists, people like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh (not on the level of Savage in personal vitriol, despite what the left thinks) are much more the "enemy" than Islamic terrorists or the Comunist Party (even back when the Communist Party was an agent of a foreign power trying to overthrow the government of the United States by violent means, as shown by KGB records revealed after the fall of the Soviet Union). To leftists, suppressing "conservatives" is a Good Thing, while anti-American forces are merely misunderstood (or precipitated by us, as the primary source of evil in the world).

Why else do you think that the Obama head of Homeland Security identified "rightist extremists" as the danger (more than Ilsamic terrorists or leftist extremists following in the footsteps of Obama crony William Ayers) to specifically warn about in a report to law enforcement? As I said, leftists do not really believe in free speech, and regard suppressing conservatives as merely the right thing to do--whether the leftists are in Britain or here.

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