Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Conservative Talk Radio, the People, Republicans, Elitists, and Bailouts

Conservative talk radio often gets a bum rap (fostered by the leftist mainstream media) of being "extreme", and the home of only a few right wing nuts.  Aside from being inaccurate as to numbers (Limbaugh alone has a larger audience than network "news" every day), look at the record as to who is actually on the side of the people.
It was conservative talk radio that stood up to the establishment on the McCain-Kennedy immigration bill.  It was conservative talk radio that was responsible for stopping that bill, when the establishments of both the left and right were ready to ram it down our throats.
It is conservative talk radio that is again standing up for the pubic, against the establishment, as to the Wall Street bailout bill  Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingram, Mark Levin, Dave Ramsey, Sean Hanntiy, Michael Reagan, et. al.:  They are all against this bailout, while "establishment" Republicans, and all of the mainstream media, are pushing for the bailout (including, as usual, Fox News, which was also for the immigration bill--being part of the mainstream media problem rather than part of the solution).
What is the main problem Repubican politicians now have?   Rank and file Republicans are primarily "Limbaugh Republicans" (whether they realize it or not, and many do).  Yes, I describe myself as a Reagan conservative, but so does John McCain.  If I had to describe myself in more meaningful, current terms, I would describe myself as a Limbaugh conservative.  That is not because I agree with Rush on everything, but because he (despite his present wealth) is in touch with what conservatives in the country actually believe.  He does not seek the approval of the "establishment" in the media, in politics, or on Wall Street. 
This is the problem with the Republican Party today.  Its politicians, at least outside of the House of Representatives are all establishment people.  They crave the approval of establishment people--including leftist establishment people in the media, academia, and elsewhere.  Yet, there primary base of support is represented (not brainwashed by, which is a fundamental establishment myth) by conservative talk radio.  The establishment people look down on Limbaugh and the rest, and the people who agree with them.  That meansthat they look down on their primary base of support.  A party can't exist like that for very long.  For example, the nominee of the Republican party is a man who has consistently trashed Limbaugh and conservatives.  He won the nomination almost by default of any real leader for Limbaugh conservatives, but he is still out of touch with most rank and file members of his own party.
Nor is it true that Limabugh conservatives are some extreme out of touch with the American people.   These are the people most strongly against the Wall Street bailout bill, and the American people agree with them  These are the people who were most responsible for killing the McCain/Obama/Kennedy/Bush immigration bill.  The American people agreed with them.  These are the people most strongly for developing domestic oil resources, and other domestic energy resources like nuclear power and clean coal.  The American people agree with that, and disagree with the radical environmentalists who control the policy of the Democratic Party (and the "establishment", "enlightened", elitist view that we need to move against the fraud of "global warming" at any cost).  In fact, I would guess that the American people do not support the elitist view that we should raise the price of energy to "fight" "global warming". 
Do most of the American peple support the death penalty?  What about "rights" for terrorists?  How many of the American people are overly worried about whether terrorists get Miranda warnings (or even might be interrogated harshly to save American lives)?  Even on abortion, how many Americans support the view that abortion on demand is  a great idea, even up to the moment of birth?   How many Americans look down on religion and guns, like the cynical elitist, Obama?   Conservative talk radio is on the side of the people in all of these things. 
How many of the American people really believe people should be discriminated against on the basis of the color of their skin or their ethnic origin?  Yes, I am here talking about "reverse discrimination", where the government treats peple as members of racial and ethnic groups--punishing present alleged members of racial and ethnic groups for the "sins" of their racial and ethnic ancestors, and awarding benefits to people who were not only not discriminated against, but whose ancestors were not necessarily discriminated against.  Most Hispanics, for example, came to this country long after most discrimination had ceased.  Yet, you have recent immigrants from Mexico--even illegal immigrants--receiving preferential treatment in the name of fighting "past" discrimination.  Do Americans really favor this?  Think again.
Do Americans really think that the world is right to look down on us, because we have been a force for evil in the world--cowboy hicks not as enlightened as Europeans and others?  That is the Obama view.
If conservative talk radio is so much on the side of the people, why are leftist Democrats so much in control of life and politics in this country today?  Why do we have birth control pills being given to 11 year old girls, without parental knowledge? 
You know why.  I know why.  Everyone knows why.  The left is taking over this country based on bribery  They are selling the idea that the government can solve all of our problems.  The American people probably don't believe that, either, as exhibited by the reaction to this proposed Wall Street bailout.  But there are no real conservative leaders really taking on the left as to the areas where the public does agree with conservatives.  Meanwhile, leftist politicians are promising to solve all of their problems.
Did I mention spending?  Conservative talk radio is against massive government spending.  So are the American people.  But Republicans got into power and abandoned this principle.  Conservative talk radio condemned the spending.  But why should people believe Republicans on the issue?  If both parties are going to spend, why not vote for the party that is at least promising to give you money and benefits.  It may be bribery, but at least some of the bribes are being paid to you.  Republicans seem to be handing out money with no rhyme or reason.  At least you know where leftist Democrats are coming from.
You should be able to see now why it will not break my heart to see Democrats take over the country completely.  It may break the country, but it will not break my heart.  How else do "Limaugh conservatives" ever get leaders to lead them, instead of constant betrayal.
Now the Democratic Party does not exactly have the same problem.  Their problem is the opposite.  The activist, extreme left has taken over the party.  that means that leftist Democrat politicians are more consistent nowadays than Republicans.  You know where leftists are coming from  They want Big Government.  They want class warfare.  They want political correctness.  They want open borders.
The Democratic problem is that they are out of touch with most of the people, if those people ever got a leader.  But those people do not now have a leader.  Republicans are no leading them, but sending out mixed messages.  So Democrats win by default, deluded all of the time that they can fool all of the people all of the time, or at least most of them. 
it is not that most of the people agree with conservative talk radio on everything.  As I said, I don't.  No one does.  However, conservative talk radio is more in tune with the people than the establishment of the Republican Party--people almost as arrogant and elitist as Obama in terms of looking down on the hicks that they expect to vote for them.
Most Democrats are against their party leaders on immigration.  Ditto on this bailout bill.  Ditto on drilling. Ditto on so much else.  But Republicans are not communicating with them, or proving that they are any more willing to support the principles of these rank and file Democrats than Democrat politiicans.  The mainstream media reinforces the idea that Democrat politicians are the olnly ones with "solutions".  And Democrats are conditioned to looking to government, despite all of the evidence that government does not solve problems, but creates them (especially the massive, central planning, Federal Government). 
This disconnect between the conservative talk radio people who support them, which is really a disconnect with the entrie American people, has to end for Republican leaders. That means getting rid of the present leaders.
Do you understand why I can't bring myself to support Joh McCain, even though I am confident Obama will ruin the country (hopefully not for good, but I am not sure of that)?

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