Friday, October 3, 2008

Fox News and Fred Barnes: Myopic and Idiotic (I Scoop Rush Limbaugh Again)

This blog has told you for years what Rush Limbuagh has failed to tell you, as I told you to vote for Mtt Romney (to stop McCain) well before Limbuagh did.  I did it at a time when McCain could still have been stopped, while LIbmauh was too late.  This blog has consistently antipated Limbaugh, rather than following him (although I am willing to do that when he is right).

The latest case in point is Fox News. I have been telling you for at least a year or two that Vox News is part of the (manistream media, establishment) problem, and not part of the solution.  And I have named Fred Barnes by name.  I did so on the immigration bil, and I did so on the bailout bill.

Well, Rush Limbaugh has finally joned me today in a rant against Fox News and Fred Barnes.  Yes, Fred Barnes said on Fox News yesterday taht opponents of this Wall Street bailout bill are "idiotic and myopic".  And Fox News, as it was on the immigration bill, is fully behind this Wall Street baliout bill.  Fox News is part of the mainstream media establishment of this country, even though it pres more conservative input than the rest of the mainsream media (giving the left the false idea Rox is "right wing" because you sometimes actually get real conservative views, instead of never getting them, like on the other networks).  But Vox is above all part of the establishment, with a cable TV mind set. 

Let me be as blunt as I can:  Fox Ness is not worth watching.  I occasionally watch O'Reilly, or entertainmnet and because he will critize other media more than anyone else (without applying ths same standards to himself:  O'Reillly is mainly about O'Reilly).  I will occasionally surf Fox for a few miniutes to see what the mainstream media considers the issues of the day.  But as a source of "real" news, Fox is hopeless.

Okay.  You say that the rest are worse, and so where do you get your news?  The only way to do it is variety.  You can get the leftist "news" of the day from AOL (much quicker than watching TV).  Although Drudge's site has its faults, it gives a variety of news sources, and gives conservative headlines along with leftist ones. Forget CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, or any newspaper.  They are worthless (especially since newspapers generally use the despicable Associated Press).  I used to read many newsapapers (like Sarah Palin).  I now read none.  Those leftist sources are not worth surfing, even, unless ou are trying to get material for a blog or are using one of them as a source of the leftist spin for the day.  Again, I advise using Fox and/or AOL and/or Drudge for that, instead of wasing you time with the cant of the others. 

Then you can lilsten to at least one conservative talk radio host.  I listen to Rush, mainly.  You could listen to a leftist one if you want, but I have found that a total waste of time.  You can get the same stuff from AOL, Drudge, Fox, and even Rush (who really gives a pretty good idea of what leftists are saying). 

The idea is to teach yourself to pick the real news out of a variety of sources.  Since leftists talk with one voice these days (more even than before), I don't think you need more than one totally leftist source.  For me, that is AOl, and the leftist sources used by AOL.  But a variety of non-leftist sources is a goood idea.  There is no use to watch something liike Fox News, and delude yourself you are really getting straight "news".  You are not.  You need to learn to pick the "news" out of that variety of sources you should be looking at, which should not include maintream TV or newspapers (useless, as Fox is almost useless). 

Message to Fred Barnes:  It is you who are "idiotic and myopic".  I would add that you are a no talent moron who has never provided useful analysis in your life.  You have always been a moron, and always will be an establishment moron. I was smarter thn you are when I was ten years old.  I was samarter than you are yesterday.  I will be smarter than you are tomorrow. 

I rarely do this, but I am going to compare Fred Barnes to myself, and ask who ist he more intelligent:

I graduated with a B.S. in physics, with high honors from New Mexico State Unitversity in 1968.  Before that I was valedictorian of my high school class in Silever City, N.M. (olkay, only a class of 100).  I went into the U.S. Army in 1968.  In 1971 I was horably discharged from the U.S. Army with a rank of Spec. 4 (top of list for promotion to sergeant on all of Ft. Bliss, but left army before it could happen).  I went directly from discharge from the army to taking the LSAT standardized law school admissions test, without any preparatory course.  I scored 785 out of 800 on that test (old scoring),  which I heard qualifies me for MENSA (never been tempted to join, so I have no idea whether that is really true)   After leavig the army in February, I entered the University of Texas School of Law in the summer of 1971 (experimental, accelerated program).  It was the only law school to which I applied.   I graduated from the University of Texas School of Law in the summer of 1973 (basically 2 years, in the accelerated program).  I graduated with high honors, 3rd n my class, having received an honor level grade in every law school class I took except the very last one.  I was then a lawyer for 30 years in El Paso (maybe less of a career than you would expect from the academic record, but I have always been a little bit of a maverick--hence the name of the blog). 

I am willing to state flatly that there are very few people smartert than me (obviously depedning on the area, since many are smarter in specialties and areas of talent of their own) in this country  Fred Barnes is not one of them.  I will not try to analyze his record, and his actual achivements may be greater than mine outside of academia.  I can still assure you I am smarter than he is, and I don't take his insults lightly (as I have not taken mcCain's insults in the past lightly).  I don't mind if people sayi I am wrong. But this idea that the establishment puts out that people like me are hicks who just do't understand things drives me straight up the wall.  Nothing makes me angrier.

Yep.  I have had it with Fred Barnes and Fox News.  I am herby extending my boycott of the evil Liars at CNN and, along with most of the rest of the mainstream media, to extend to Fox News and Fred Barnes.  I can't take it anymore.  I may surf Fox News on rare occasions, as I now surn CNN on rare occasions, just to see what they are doing.  But I am giving up Brit Hume (who I like, but hwo regularly features Fred Barnes). I will no longer watch significant portions of any Fox News program.

Yes, I am maintaining my vow to vote for any politician who voted/votes for thsi Wall Street bailout bill.  It is a disgraceful bill, like the immigration bill, and its proponents have enganged in a disgraceful campaign of fear and insult.  It is this disgraceful establishment that is moronic, and driving this country to ruin (as basically the same people tried to do in the immigration bill, but it looks like they will succeed this time).  I expect real conservatives (does not include Fred Barnes) will have to pick up the pieces after the present establishment ruins this country.  In the meantime, that means calling them as I see them--usually ahead of Rush Limbaugh, but respecting him as a man of principle instead of a seel out to........what?  Big Government, certainly.  But it almost seems to be a deliberate sell out of reason itself.  I have always been an anti-establishment person--although not in the reblel, criminal sense of William Ayers--and I expect I will continue to be that.  In a significant sense, I regard Rush as a kindred spirit, although he is richer and more successful than I (success he has earned, and I do not begrudge him, even as I point out when I have gotten to the right place ahead of him) 

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