Nope. The headline does not refer to people at Sarah Palin railles. "Foaming at the mouth, rabid haters" refers to CNN, the mainstream media and the rest of the leftists out there who have lost it over Sarah Palin. It also refers to "establishment" Republican types who expect to lose this electioin, and are positioning for the fight over the next Republican nominatioin (not to mention trying to get themselves in with the mainstream media for their own self-interest). I heard one actually utter, this morning, the Wolf Blitzer, CNN hypocritical smear that it is a "betrayal" of "family values" for Palin's DAUGHTER to be having a baby out of wedlock, whether she has an abortion or not.
Anyone who thinks that badly is an evil person. Yes, Wolf, I just called you, and the other people at CNN, evil people. I have done so, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. However, I feel that way about Republicans who look upon Palin as some soret of a hick who deserves anything you say about her, because she needs to be destroyed. That is why I will never call myself a Republican either, for the rest of my life. The Republican Party, and the "moderates" in it, have betrayed conservatives too many times, and continue to do so.
What do I really think of the "foaming at the mouth" crowd who think any intellectual dishonesty is "fair" with regard to Sarah Palin, because she needs to be destroyed? I can say it no better than I have said it before:
If Hell exists, I am confident I will meet all of you people in Hell after I did. It will be worth it (metting you there, even though it means I am there with you). I am just worried that I will be denied the pleasure of actually meeting all of CNN in Hell, because that would make it Heaven for me. It really would be Hell for all of CNN to be in Hell, and me be denied the pleasure of seeing them there. Oops!. I really should not give the Devil ideas here!
P.S. As usual, CNN is used above as a representative for the entire leftist media, and of the entire far left of which they are a part. It is not that CNN is worse than most of the others. CNN is just typical. See earlier entry this week naming CNN "foaming at the mouth", intellectualy dishonest people by name.
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