This blog long ago (two years or more) dismissed Gwen Ifill and PBS' Washington Week in Review as a worthless program, which does nothing more than spread leftist propaganda. That is, it is worthless unless you want to prove to yourself that "journalists" today are corrupt leftists with no intellectual honesty. That is also the only reason to watch the corrupt, Obama shill liars at CNN (see this blog over past month for chapter and verse) or the hopelessly corrupt MNSNBC (at least two years ago on them again, when this blog dismissed MSNBC). I have given up watching these people, except for brief moments in this election. It is not worth my time. It is not worth anyone's time.
Gwen Ifill has now been exposed as totally corrupt. I exposed her entire program as intellectually dishonest those two years or more ago. She is the "moderator" of tomorrow's Vice Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin. It turns out that Ifill has written a book on Obama ("Race and Ppolitics in the Age of Obama"). The book, which is clearly an act of worship, appears on inauguration day. It is clearly in Ifill's economic interest that Obama be elected. If McCain is inaugurated, Ifill's book suddenly looks like an irrelevant voice from the past.
Nope. How incredibly corrupt is Ifill to not only accept the position as moderator, but seemingly fail to even recognize the conflict of interest. The sad thing is that this act of incredible corruption is standard stuff now fro "journalists" campaigning for Obama (and trying to destroy Palin, as Ifill has tried to do, along with every other mainstream "journalist" alive).
The surprise here is that anyone would be surprised. The mainstream media has turned into a partisan attack machine for leftists. I have proven it so, for years, in this blog (way before this election).
Question: Why do Republicans continue to play this game? Republicans should have rejected Ifill from the beinning. They should object to her now in a public protest. They should object to the debate as corrupt, if Ifill is retained as moderator. No, don't boycott the debate. Just go public with the corruption, and the debate is discredited if it continues with Ifill as moderator.
However, that is not enough. Would Ifill be any less bad without a book? Would the debate be any less corrupt? The answer to these questions is "no". If I could see that years ago, Republicans could see it this year.
Answer: Republicans need to stop enabling mainstream media people to be this corrupt. This should be the very last year with either Presidential, or any other debates in any other election, to involve "journalists". There is no such thing anymore, and Republicans need to say so. That means Republicans should only debate directly with their opponents (more valuable anyway), or in town hall settings. At most, there could be a "moderator" who asks no questions. The whole debate process is now nothing but a corrupt joint "news' conference that is rigged (by the questions asked, if nothing else, as was made clear in the Republilcan primary debates and Palin interviews). Republicans know that all mainstream "journalists" are biased, and that there are no such things as unbiased questions anyway. Why play in a rigged game that disserves the public?
It should go further than that. Republicans should no longer submit to mainstream media interviews from people they know to be biased (remember every network "news" anchor went overseas with Obama). There is no purpose to those interviews. Send surrogates out, if you must, but stop enabling this corrupt "journalism". The game should be over. If it is not over, Republicans are wimps (what else is new?).
The corruption in "journalism" is now way past the point of saving. "Journalism" is dead. It is now time to play the power game for what it is, treating advocacy "journalists" (not for you) as the enemy. For Republicans, that includes almost all of them.
Nothing will ever happen as long as the demos and repups only care about thier
party instead of the people of the U.S. stop giving aid to other nations. Take care of your own fist.
While I have some symp;athy for the position that we should not try to take care of the problems of the entire world, as "open borders" leftists advocate, and is reflected by Obama's pledge to give $50 billion per year the th U.N. for anti-poverty projects (which I would bet he has rethought, as he has so many things), I think th ecoment misses the point. The point here is that there are NO "neutral" "journalists" anymore (if there ever were). They are all either "Repubs" (not many) or Dems (a whole lot). That means you have to treat them as the corrupt partisans they are (corrput because they are dishonest).
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