Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sarrah Palin Labels CNN as the IMMATURE Liar Network

I like it.  Sarah Palin just called CNN "immature", and she is so right.  Okay, I don't want to get her in trouble here.  What Palin really did was call those mainstream media shots at her for daring to run for President as a mother "immature shots", and a "double standard".  Relating this to CNN is my doing.
She could, of course, have just as easily mentioned the shots at her and her daughter for the teenaged pregnancy.  She could just as easily have mentioned the daily shots at her over trivia.  For example, today AOL (fully as bad as CNN) had an AP (the "Anti-American, Despicable Associated Press") story about how Palin misconstrued some yelling people in the crowd as protesters (because she has faced protesters), when they were really yelling for her to speak louder.  The mainstream media admits she connects with people, better than any of the candidates, but give her a backhand slap by saying she may "put off independents" with her enthusiastic crowds  (something the immature, lying media never said when Obama speaks to an enthusiastic crowd).  Palin is supposed to be embarrassed by her supporters, while we are supposed to ignore that every Obama surrogate and supporter is calling everyone who votes against Obama a "racist". 
Yes, it is immature to call Palin supporters dangerous, while you send people to Alaska to investigate the rumors being spread by hating leftists (that hate rumor that Palin was not even the mother of her Down's Syndrome child).  In fact, the haters on the left are worse than any of the haters on the right.  But CNN, and the rest of the mainstream medai ignore that, because they are the same type of immature haters themselves. 
CNN (see archives of this blog for chapter and verse) embarked on a campaign to destroy Palin personally as soon as she was named.  They have pursued every hateful rumor.  They attacked her religion.  They said she favored Alaska being an independent state (more true of Obama supporters in Hawaii, as I can tell you from personal knowledge because my younger daughter was exposed to those people by the faculty at the University of Hawaii).  Yes, "post-racial" Obama supporters in Hawaii want Hawaii to be soley for the Hawaiians, as an independent country ruled by the old monarchy (you never thought leftists believed in democracy, did you?).  I digress.  Not really. 
Yes, the immature, lying, despicable people on CNN called Palin a bad parent.  They called her a vicious right winger (contradicted every time she talks--as she comes across as a genuinely nice person).  They alled her incompetent.  Let me name names.  Every one of the following immature liars is a despicable human being who has tried to personally destroy Palin with immature personal attacks:
1.  David Gergen, who no one respects.  He is a hack, who worked for two Presidents, and did a bad job for both.  He has never said anything intelligent in his entire life.  CNN just turns to him as a supposed "neutral commentator, when no one on this earth speaks with more of an agenda.  Of course, with Gergen, the agenda is not so much "principle" (he has none).  It is the self-interest of David Gergen.  I had this opinion long before Sarah Palin, and Sarah Palin, and this political season, only confirmed it.
2.  Larry King.  Yes, the "elder statesman of CNN is a lying political hack, and fully part of the CNN campaign of personal destruction against Sarah Palin.  See my previous entry specifically on Larry King.
3.  Anderson Cooper.  My brother says Anderson Cooper came from being host of "Survivor" to CNN.  I can't verify that, because I never watched "Survivor".  But Anderson Cooper is one of the most immature, incompetent liars on all of television.  I have shown him to be a liar in entry after entry in this blog.  What is funny is that even Anderson Cooper was so taken aback at the original CNN smear campaign against Sarah Palin that he felt forced to defend her against the smears of Kyra Phillips (the CNN "reporter" sent to Alaska to "investigate" those leftist hate rumors against Sarah Palin, and to dig up dirt.  It was she who said most directly that "people in Alaska" (namely her and CNN personnel) were "questioniing" the parenting of Sarah Palin, and it the questions were increasing.  What she meant was that the CNN smears were increasing, and they have ever since.
4.  Jack Cafferty, racist.  Yes it was Jack Cafferty who really picked up the Obama campaign tactic of calling "race" the biggest issue in this campaign:  that is, the Issue" of racists voting against Obama.  Cafferty is anotherone of the most despicable human beings on this planet, with no redeeming virtue.  He is a lying political hack who does biased polls every day.  One poll was whether Sarah Palin should withdraw as the VP candidate. Yes, the immature Cafferty, and the rest of the left, picked up the column of an obscure "conservative" wanting attention< and tried to bootstrap it into a campaign to get Palin to withdraw.  Cafferty is one of thosehaters on the left who are worse than any alleged "hater" on the right.
5.  Soledad O'Brien, racist and hypocrite deluxe.  Yes, Soledad O'Brien is the sanctimonious hypocrite who pushed the CNN line that Sarah palin could not be Vice President and mother of minor children  It turns out that Soledad O'Brien has four minor children she is neglecting in her career.  My complaint against her is still being investigated by Child Protective Services, since she made it clear that she must be neglecting her children to pursue her high profile career.  Another despicable human being (just kidding on Child Protective Services, although I should have made such a complaing).  It is Soledad O'Brien who called Reverend Jeremiah Wright's disgraceful, racist speech before the Detroit NAACP "the greatest speech I have ever heard."  That brands her a racist for all time.
6.  Campbell Brown, hypocrite and daughter of a felon convicted of lying to the FBI.  Yes, Campbell Brown is another on of those immature, despicable human beings at CNN. . Campbell Brown was perfectly willing to attack Sarah Palin's family, even though her own father was convicted of a felony for lying to the FBI.  Now do I care about Campbell Brown's father, or think it disqualifies her from being a "journalist" that she was a close--really close--associate of a known, lying felon?  No, I am just saying that you can't be a worse hypocrite than to attack a person's family, when you have that kind of family background yourself.  I will say that Campbell Brwon is carryihg on the family tradition at CNN, and CNN probably considered a family history of lying to the FBI as a positive asset for working for CNN.
7.  John Roberts:  John Roberts is just a garden variety, immature, lying CNN hack.  See the archive entry.
8.  Wolf Blitzer, world champion hypocrite and liar.  Yes, I have exposed the despicable Wolf in previous entries as an intellectually dishonest hypocrite.  He actually said--I heard him, even though I did not believe it--that the pregnancy of Palin's DAUGHTER raised "questions" (again only for CNN and MSNBC personnel) about "hypocrisy" of Sarah Palin.  I bet you did not know that you are a hypocrite if your daughter does not live up to your own moral standards.  Wolf, you are the immature lying, hypocrite, along with all of your associates at CNN. Obama, of coure, has said he would be a worse kind of "hypocriet" if his daughters did not uphold his moral standards, which he says he has taught them.  Obama has said that if his daughters fail to comply with those moral standards, which he clearly recognizes as possible, that he would not want them "punished" with a baby (in other words, he would want them to have an abortion).   That attitude may be why Obama voted for infanticide in the Illinois legislature.  It is the Planned Parenthood, intellectually dishonest attitude:  that the issue of abortion is the "issue" of whether the mother should be "punished" instead of an issue of the moral equivalent of infanticide (anargument" that would fully support killing a baby after it is born, as well as before it is born).
The above is not just "name calling".  The above represent judgments on CNN, and the named people, that have been fully supported in previous entries.  I mention some of the examples above, but there are many more specifics in the archives of this blog. 
Sarah Palin is right.  The people of CCN, and the mainstream media is general, are immature political hacks no better than the worst of the hating left wing blogs.   They are out to elect Obama, and destroy Palin by whatever means they can.  The above named people are all despicable human beings, but they are representative of the entire mainstream media.  These people are perfectly willing to be lying hypocrites to advance their agenda.  They have no principles, and no standards.  They are not "journalists", and you should never think of them as "journalists".  See the entry yesterday about the way CNN treated Mark Foley (endorsing "guilt by association" for the entire GOP), and the way CNN is dismissing the Mahoney sex scandal (Mahoney happens to be thesuccessor to Foley's seat, and CNN is basically saying--despite the hush money--that it is just another "sex scandal" down in Florida, which is not how they treated Foley, who had sex with no one and paid no one off).
P.S.  The reason I don't have impressive new examples of CNN immature, lying hypocrisy is not that they have stopped it.   It is, rather, that I have stopped wasting my time surfing CNN to get material for this blog.  They have convicted themselves, and there is no need for more evidence.

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